I find your posts quite intresting to read but you do have a habbit of skating around answers but not giving them so to speak. Im curious as to some of the things in your post which I think were aimed at me:
I cannot teach you the fundamentals of neuroscience if you do not have a stable structure of learning already established. Or rather. unless your mind is scientifically structured.. nothing I say will make sense to you as I cannot always relay the message to you in common talk and often must return to more scientific terminology and reasoning that your mind is unfamiliar with. Heh Hexi might just assume you are stupid because of your apparent egotistical downfalls. I just assume you are misguided.
The unconscious mind.. does not believe BS. That's why as a child you are so willing to accept the BS in the Bible and religion yet as you get older... your unconscious filters out all the BS. You stop believing in magic and crap that you can't see or you hesitate to do so simply because your mind is more unconsciously developed when you are older and it will not accept complete BS unless you are genetically compromised.
At the same time , the reason you are compelled to listen to me is because I am speaking to you with measurable amounts of structure and organization which your unconscious mind is stimulated by. I am a mind of reason and rational thought. Your unconscious mind functions just like I consciously appear to function.
Notice what I tell you is measurable. If you went to the bookstore at a local university... you too could get the same books of knowledge I have. I do not teach you a religion or philosophy of thought. I offer you true measurable knowledge. Which is the exciting part of all of this. You don't have to believe me. Simply pickup a neuroscience book and commit yourself to learning it. But it's not simple is it? Reading a book as such would crush your very perception of what reality is.
You are far more than your ego and I'm daring you to be more. The books are highly expensive but does brain science sound cheap or easy? Besides how important is knowledge to you? Do you really care why you think how you do or do you want to keep living in your hollow existance until one day you have an EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN and become.. closer to who you really are inside.
(Here's a religious theory behind Conscious. This way you can still have your God but yet a better understanding of him)
I offer you the unlocking of your true self and what I offer you is measurable in real terms. It is not just how you will feel but it is what you will know and only when these 2 parts of you can become 1 do you experience real harmony and spiritual happiness. Oh and in knowledge there really isn't despair as completing your natural design is how you spiritually can achieve harmony and peace with both your outside self and your inside self. As you will know in body and mind that what you do is right and that guilt you sometimes get will never return to you.
God wants you to become one with yourself... it makes it easier for him to talk to you cause instead of your mind making all that noise.. it is listening and while the unconscious mind will always obey God.. the conscious mind will always rebel. Your vary nature of disobeying God is a DEMONstration of your ability to reject him and in doing so.. create your own suffering. As he is with you regardless if you are with him or not. Meaning.. he always speaks through unconscious suggestions but you don't listen to him.
Knowledge is the power to rock the very foundation of men who built their houses on something other than rock. I believe Jesus said something similar. Funny how I understand what he means both literally and metaphorically.
Zenemy, I can assure you I am far from stupid. I am also scientifically minded having always acceled in such subjects and am now in my second year of maths in uni. Though I do not have the background knowllage which would likely be needed either way. Misguided I could agree with possibly.
I am very much into learning things and frequently find my self up at 5am in the morning because I was reading something just to learn about it. However I am not going to be spending money on books when the internet is a vast resource which is free.
You have however, not answered my questions about your post.
His Narc attributes are well displayed.
Notice how he takes aggressive stances with no material value. "I could do something but I wont." Is a common boasting of Narcs. His ego has allowed him logical blindness and he continues to challenge in a manner to assert his value but because of his obvious differences.. Hexi and I are a ble to easily distinguish the difference between him and us. Our minds are controlled by reason where as his mind is fueled by negative emotions brought about by failed parents who improperly applied compasion to their child.
No doubt he had a parent smothering him with positively reinforced attention and always praising the insignificant things he did cause lets be real.. that parent was just impressed that this retard could do anything right as, more than likely, he developed at a slower rate compared to other children and was unable to achieve the things they could. His parents noticed that their child was inferior, so in an attempt to counter balance this obvious difference.. they pampered his ego until he was all like "I am powerful but no one else sees it."
I'm sorry.. were you trying to be passively hostile with me? I prefer the direct approach. Now try to recover but keep in mind that nothing you say to me is going to stop me from laughing at that child you are still showing me. Awww.. did I hurt your feelings and cause you emotional disturbance.
You must have confused me with Jesus or your Preacher or maybe your psychologist. Really I could tell you anything because Narcs are too stupid to actually look up information. They are nothing more than grown up children. You've all got a little Narc in you. It's that part of your ego that tells you to be insignificant and attempt to attack the emotions of others. Psychopaths can instantly distinguish the difference between themselves and these sad children and rapidly make attempts to disassociate as normal egos are so.. unorganized that they associate psychopaths with narcs and then they think "That psycho did this to me." But in reality.. it was just a Narc.
It's important to notice the mild differences. Once you understand the differences.. you'll understand why a psychopath is a relaxed predator a Narc is just a sheep making a lot of noise cause they have been terrible hurt and no one ever taught them how to properly express the emotions.
Directly ask me the question and I will directly answer it within the reason of neuroscience or I can give you more biblical expressions.. whatever pampers the fragile ego that is the Narc.
You should feel bad for Narcs.. they are hurt and alone and they need others to feel good about themselves.
I can help you. Come to my house. I'll beat the crap out of you so bad that you will have no choice but to give up these false illusions of superiority and face the truth... you are human, you care what others think, and how you are acting does not make you happy but rather imprisons you in a manner which brings misery to your life.
I have challenged your ego. For all you claim.. your words are hollow and you have no real wisdom. Math is a known science. You are not a scientist. You are a mathematician. Way to give up on your dreams. It's okay, Honey. Don't listen to the bad man. You are a sweet and smart child no matter what they say.
Right memories?! Right.... Think back.. family always told you you were special. how come no one else is seeing it? omg... omg... nervous breakdown.. in your future... just waiting to happen.. LOL
"And it all crashes down, and your break your crown, and you point your finger, but there's no one around."
David, that's just what Whitewolf does. Desperately tries to find some way he can say he's "superior". I'm not too sure why, maybe insecurities...?
Just try and ignore it when he does it, I don't think he quite realises he's doing it himself...
He obviously has no understanding of the very world around him; he claims to possess knowledge of certain subjects yet fails to provide when asked for some reason or another.
Well done on ignoring it, though.
im DOES thinking that you should all apologizes each other. if you doesnt apologizes then all WILL has sad mind and maybe not want POST here anymore? im DOES be sure that ZENEMY does tryes to help and maybe he does DO it wrong and i thinks he DOESNT should say mean THINGS like that. THATS why i does thinking that he should apologizes.
im DOES going to start agein from BEGINNING because i not posted in this topic before so:
I'm DOES thinking that HEXI DOES NOTS care what you thinks and I am of thinking that Zenemy DOES cares what you thinks but DOES NOT caresamoment later as he DOES NOTS HAS the emotional ability to maintain conscious thoughts. So EVEN though he DOES cares what YOU DO SAY.. he LOSES ability to MAINTAIN CARE so he does goes back to THINKING like HEXI DOES think NORMALS.
My ego tells me to strike you down. As you can see.. I am human. That attack had a lot more power available but my ego is compassionate enough not to destroy you on sight.. like Hexi might.
does you tryes to make FUN of me? i not understands why.
then MAYBE i does be wrong that you dident actually try to help and only did sayed mean THINGS to bully people and i does THINKS that does be bad thing to do. Maybe you not APOLOGIZES but why does you has so much angryness inside i only DOES tryes to help. Maybe i DOES can helps you too.. but you DOES needs tell what problem is.
All peoples DOES be special and i not think you need show how special you is because i thinks you is very SMART and not need show it by bully others. david does BE very good math person and you does be very good book person and hexi does SEES thruth in things so we does all be special and im does be very good in HELPING peoples. There does being very MANY other things like HONESTLY and COURAGE and things like THAT too.
if you DOES wants you can makes own topic to HELP you and i does will be there for you. You must trusts me. And if you DOES be even more angryness because i try help you then NOT let it go into insult other people you can INSULTS me but doesnt insults innocent peoples you does can LETS your angryness maybe insults me if you does HAS to.
We are two people divided by the same language.
It is sad that without more verbal or physical ques, I am unable to rely the message to you but that is a downfall of text communication. Which is why we should never base all our knowledge simply off the perception of one sense and use them all as we are often fooled by just trusting one sense. That's why I try to give you knowledge instead. Something you can measure for yourself.
i has ALSO learned that people does respects other peoples that is like THEMSELFS and also respects what DOES be unknown but peoples does not usually likes what they WAS before and so that be why also they not usually likes peoples that ARE like they was before.
I seem to be loosing my contributions before I post them. I was writting my opinion but I lost it so this time I will try to be "more" succinct.
I have been researching psycopathy for another purpose but I have come across some information about sociopathy that might be useful. Since I have been around psychologists and psychiatrists for a long time now, I can even have some helpful insight but I must tell you this: a forum is not the best place to seek an answer to such delicate matters. The first thing anyone should have posted here was "I can't tell for sure from what you have said and you should seek professional help". I'll give you my opinion to see if at least it abates your depressive state but be careful about what people reply: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
The debate of whether or not a sociopath would care about being a sociopath is very relevent. As far as I can tell from my sources, sociopaths couldn't care less for their state of being and do not show any of the care you have showened for proper etiquette when talking to other people. No sociopath would ever say "thank you" or "please" in the way you have said it. Even if a sociopath had any problem with his behaviour, I profoundly doubt he would be depressed as you say you are.
You can still be a sociopath but you are probably under the influence of other disfunctional views of reality that are not so severe.
You yourself said you self-diagnosed the disease and not even psychiatrists do that in general: they know that self-diagnosing mental disorders is nearly impossible and very unwise. Professionals in the area, who suspect that they are lacking mental balance, always consult their peers for a third view opinion that they themselves cannot have.
Please, find yourself a good professional in the area: find one with who you can create a good therapeutic relation even if you have to try different persons.
Some people are just more distant and cold than others; some people had an infancy that didn't teach them the proper social skills to have a truly functional relation with others.
Think about it: do you go out of your way to break social rules? Do you hurt the people around you deliberatly? Did you have fun causing misery to others (to people or animals) while you were a child or a teenager?
There are many factors to take into account: you can still be a sociopath but you should definitely seek professional help.
First of all stop your recursive thoughts about the problem and try to reduce your anxiety. Seek help elsewhere.
I hope you find some peace about this subject soon.
-- What am I doing here? --
I am currently doing research on several topics for a few books and articles I am writing. I would like to make a positive contribution to fora (plural of "forum") about such topics in order to get constructive views on those matters for a better perspective on them. This is why I came here. I will not indulge myself in flamming and will not respond directly to any clearly non-constructive replies.
I have read some of Dr. Robert's responses to certain questions and I find them lacking and biased. Still, I truly wish to know what people who come here, and even Dr. Robert himself, think about my points of view for three reasons. First: I know I can, very easily, be wrong and I should keep an eye out for other opinions. Second: all points of view are important to have perspective on any matter, specially the ones one doesn't agree with. Third: wisdom can come from very strange places and one should not underestimate anyone as far as knowledge and wisdom are concerned.
Please, give me honest and constructive replies: I will return in kind.
"The slumber of reason creates monsters." - Goya
i does liked to say first: welcome to forums!!!!!!
it does be good to has new smart MIND here agein. This forums DOES has been living in mirror world some times now maybe you can takes forums BACKS to real world you does LOOKS like that kind of PERSON.
yours post does seems very good but i does asks this: what does HAPPENS if sociopath dosent exists? What does happens if there dosent be people who does be sociopaths realy and maybe there does only be people who does ignores feelings like you does can hears songs but you no wants to listens to them or dossent knows how to listens to song.
Be well
i'm not a socio but i recently met both a narc and a socio in the same context and the difference was very marked.
the socio was silently powerful, elusive and unpredictable, the narc was like a child who's buttons were easy to press, hissing and hating at anyone or anything that crossed his path. quite something and I desired to never meet another like him again.
i'll take a socio over a narc anyday. i'll take anyone over a narc anyday.
I always thought you were a Christian, Whitewolf, yet call the Bible "BS"?
I am also a self diagnosed sociopath and I don't want to be one either. I am suicidal but lack the guts to go thru with it. I hate living like this . my oldest daughter is just like me and hates herself. both my kids have cut me off. there is no help forme I am led to believe.