Let me explain what i meant. Is the subconscious in control of my impulses and behaviour? Yes. Does the conscious mind try to rationalize my impulses? Yes. The point i was trying to make is that even though there is structure and order within the subconscious, the conscious mind tries to control the impulses and understand and this is what i find pointless. Your subconscious dictates thje impulses behind your actions and ensures your survival, to claim otherwise is delusional and trying to bring order into that chaotic combination is not what i try to do, i embrace the conflict and rather than try to fight my impulses, i analyze them to better understand them.
It's hard to put into words what i mean and i just realized what i wrote sounds confusing. I get your meaning, i really do and i agree with the theory but i look at it a bit differently. Also, when you dream your brain releases DMT, which is the most powerful hallucinogenic known to man so i have my doubts about what dreams really are. If you've never taken any hallucinogenics you won't understand what i mean and that's fine but you should try as it will change your view on things for sure.
Are we going to take LSD and go to the spirit world or something? I don't think so. My power is already fueled by knowledge.
Your dreams are the only time when your unconscious speaks.. indirectly to your conscious. Other than that all suggestions are done without conscious knowledge.
You experienced a powerful emotion in your dream? It was caused by the same part of your brain that regulates your heart and every other aspect of your body, the unconscious.
Hexi, you know a chemical is released into the brain but you don't know why or how? You will never know but do trust that maybe.. just maybe your unconscious is a whole hell of a lot smarter than you and it is the reason for all your feelings, ect.
Now if you wanna say that maybe God is your unconscious.. than I'll accept your spirituality but by the rules of logic.. that voice in your head that always tells you the most reliable course of actions to take... is your unconscious mind.
If you can concede your ego and train yourself to be more aware of it.. it folds all your knowledge. I've not only been using unconscious suggestions on people but now I am aware of unconscious signals I send people and how to prevent them all. How to accurately cloak myself from even the unconscious mind. It goes way beyond normal manipulation. I plant seeds of thought in peoples minds that sprout days later. In doing so I can accurately predict the future of that persons probably mental state and not only that.. but know on an unconscious level the more intricate details of their functioning.
Have you ever damaged a persons subconscious? Consciously they aren't even aware of the emotional stress you are flooding them with. Days later the unconscious floods over into their conscious sending waves of emotional distress at them. But then you switch your subconscious suggestions to all positive and friendly. It also works to fix them as well. So you can fix their future moods.. I like it.
Tell me a relatively short story. Make it something powered by your imagination. Anyone. tell me a story or a reoccurring dream. I want to train.
I wouldn't call it the spirit world, unless you suggest that when you dream you also go to a spirit world. Also, only take organics, like shrooms, and none of that manufactured stuff. DMT is maded by a chemical mixture. Why? one can only guess, perhaps our brain is trying to expand it's understanding of the universe it's in. Since it's done while the unconscious is in control, maybe taking hallucinogenics is something good for you? Afterall, it's what the brain does on it's own.
A recurring dream? Post-apocalypse is a recurring theme. It's not a science fiction kind, mind you, just the kind where the world of humans has gone wrong.
Keep trying wolfie, you'll get there eventually. Or not, oh well.
See, you're the hero of the movie. The champion of all that is good and just. I'm the short guy with a hood up, smoking a cig and having a sword on my shoulder, snorting at you because your greatness is meaningless to me, it has no value whatsoever in my view. You bash in your glory, i move on to the next thing that interests me enough to put effort into, a drifter. Almost all your obsrvations and analyzes have been wrong as you seem to assume i want to be like you, i really, really don't.
haha, i said that because at that time, i did have my hoodie on with the hood up and a cig in my mouth as i was about to go out for a smoke. I didn't actually think much of the metaphor, the last part was more important. You analyze what i write too much at times, other times you miss the point on purpose and use the toby tactic to try and annoy me, it's amusing. :)
It's easy to just move on and ignore people as i don't form attachments to anything, that's not running away. I spend time doing something as long as it interests me and then i move on. It suits me fine and i'm not gonna defend it.
I don't seek the approval of others to validate my existence. Like i said, it's meaningless to me.
Neither of you possess the mental capacity to find your purpose in life. Your life is meaningless as you will never have the capacity to define it. Trapped b y your own ignorant and blind egos you are ****ed to suffer till the end of time.
Live with the knowledge that there are those among you who are superior to you, who rose where you have fallen, and who will never see you as anything more than you are.. wasted potential destroyed by ego.
Ka cha!!
I will, live that is, without the validation of others. Shame you will never accomplish that as you cannot function without others feeding your vanity, quite ironic.
I am.. compelled to pursue you, Hexi.
I'm sorry I keep backing you into the corner. I just have this drive to.. hunt you. For some reason I am seeing you as weak and inferior. It makes me feel compelled to have aggression towards you. I don't know if it's an attempt to help you or an attempt to just hunt you because I see you as weak. But for whatever reason I acknowledge it's my fault we have been having these conflicting conversation.
But I will not deny my desires even though I logically understand them. I am compelled to inflict certain pains on you. As if to punish you for being weak and acting out of line.
I really believe I can fix you through physical violence. i wouldn't employ that method against them but against you.. it would be fun to break your ego. Nothing like hurting someone in order to help them. It's all love though. No anger like you.. no dwelling on dark thoughts and being stuck in the void. I left that behind. Enjoy!
Ok, just wanna say, yes it feels pathetic trying to control people around you... But it's just for one of a few reasons: 1. A rush 2. Being bored 3. Anger 4. Other reasons I don't remember...
Which I don't know why I have so much anger, or jealousy...I think the jealousy is not because I give a **** about another person, but it's something inside of me.
I feel like I can't be happy BECAUSE OF others. I feel like I can only be happy in isolation. Just me. I seriously dislike people... Somebody might say I am disrespectful but I can't even see it... It's like I don't even know what they're talking about. I couldn't care less about people's approval. That's got me in a bit of trouble throughout my life.
It's like they see things I can't see... Or maybe I see beyond what they see. It's strange. I react differently to things.