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Re: purpose of a vision if we can not help..

i cant even believe this was me...

WOW what a process!!

Love to you Christopher and Marcy!!!

Re: purpose of a vision if we can not help..

Andrea: You are not draining me so please dont ever think that!! I enjoy very much reading your posts and it gives me stuff to think about which is a good thing. Im glad you are gonna look up Cindys posts..she has some good ones that are beautiful and interesting!! She was a big help to me when I first started posting.
Sometimes it is hard to open up cuz it like leaves us vulnerable but you are right...the more we know the better our understanding is and I dont like to speculate on whats going on cuz I could be way off base, if you know what I mean?
I know I have many dreams with Alisa, but I dont remember a lot of them. I know because I wake up with a joyouse feeling like I have been with her. There are two that are very vivid which I think were visits from her
The first one happened after I had been asking my guides to take me out of body to the otherside to see her. I missed her so badly..I would ask almost every night. I just wanted to see where she was and if she was happy. I wanted to see her beautiful face again. The only thing I remember was being out of my body somewhere else and it was like I was floating up in the universe somewhere. I remember the stars. The most vivid part was seeing Alisa laughing and i was laughing with her. She had a very distinct laugh. We just spent time laughing and laughing an laughing. That was my dream. But I woke up and it was so very real..I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I actually was with her.She was wearing a bright red sweater and she just beamed. The last time I saw my Alisa was Thanksgiving 2009 and she had that bright red sweater on. The only thing I really wanted of hers when she passed was that red sweater..because she looked so beautiful in it and it was my last memory; but that sweater has never been found.
The next dream I remember she was here in our home. She came from the otherside to visit. I was the only one who could see her though. My other two daughters were in the dream also. They wanted to see her so badly but I asked Alisa to do something to let them know she was here. And with a huge beautiful smile on her face (like she always had); she went up to them one by one and blew in their faces and you could see their hair blow with Alisas breath. They got excited and just were happy, and Alisa and I just laughed....and she was gone. This dream to me was a visitation also because she had on the same red sweater and it was so was like she was just here. I woke up feeling so wonderful..knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the veil that separates us is so VERY thin!!
I had another one also that was just wierd...where Alisa was breaking into cars (which was totally not something she would ever do). I called the cops in that dream not knowing it was her doing it..and when they came and arrested her --she just looked at me like..."there was nothing you could do mom...its not your is was out of your hands". What I got from that dream was if anything...that her passing is something that I couldnt prevent. And it wasnt my fault in any way. Because I had guilt over her passing Andrea at first, I blamed myself thinking it was because I wasnt spiritual and I was being taught a lesson. Kind of like a 'wake up call". But I know now that --that isnt was what Alisa charted and her purpose here was it was time for her to go home.
Those are the dreams I remember Andrea. Hope this helps in some way!! And I will never get tired of you posting so post away girlfriend!!
Sending love, marcy

Re: purpose of a vision if we can not help..

Andrea....Its amazing isnt look back and see how far we have come in our journeys and where we were a year ago? Its been a truly amazing year...with ups and downs and many experiences and lessons. I know I can speak for you as well as for myself when I say..we are not the same people we were!!! And theres so much more ahead of us on this beautiful amazing journey. I cant believe Im even talking like this having just lost my brother one week ago today...but thats how much my life has changed. No-matter the difficulties or hard times...I still feel truly blessed every day. And I am so humbly grateful to have met you and have you in my life. You are such a beautiful blessing!! I love you Andrea with all my heart!!!