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Re: What do I do?

What do you do? First, let go of your self pity. It isn't useful to you or anyone else. Second, man up, go back and face the people you claim to love. Third, apologize to them. Tell them what you shared here. Fourth, make amends if possible. Fifth, let go of the 'I am a sociopath/bad person' trope. It's really passe and utterly beside the point.

Re: What do I do?

Daniel Birdick
Fifth, let go of the 'I am a sociopath/bad person' trope. It's really passe and utterly beside the point.

But it's cool, edgy and makes you a special snowflake!

Re: What do I do?

I just ODed half a bottle of benztropine. Just cause I hate this world and I want to die.

Re: What do I do?

I just ODed half a bottle of benztropine. Just cause I hate this world and I want to die.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck with that endeavor and hope that you succeed.

Re: What do I do?

I just ODed half a bottle of benztropine. Just cause I hate this world and I want to die.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck with that endeavor and hope that you succeed.

Well unfortunate to all who hate me... I didn't die. Instead died I thought I would just make you. suffering.

Hexi, you are no psychopath as you wish you were. You're just couch potatoes. I'm the real deal... they committed me. SMI...