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Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

This thread needs wolfie desperately.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

This thread needs wolfie desperately.

High school is really hard for teenage girls. They pretty much act like they think a psychopath acts at this time in their lives. However, I've never met a female psychopath nor have any reason to believe they exist at all.

The part where some neighbor lady made her cry.. I laughed at that. Poor girls. They are subject to a rather cruel world. As they have always been.. you'd think they'd get over it by now! lol j/k

You don't think you are a psychopath. You just know something is wrong with you and want to fix it.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

No reason to believe female psychopaths exist at all? Why not? Can't a girl hit her head in a bicycle accident as well as any boy?

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

No reason to believe female psychopaths exist at all? Why not? Can't a girl hit her head in a bicycle accident as well as any boy?

Hook, line, sinker? :D

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I love it when people do things like that....

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

No reason to believe female psychopaths exist at all? Why not? Can't a girl hit her head in a bicycle accident as well as any boy?

In the terms of Neuroscience.. it is not possible to destroy your emotions by cracking your skull open. All your emotions are not stored in a singular location of the brain but rather several locations. Many of which have another function other than processing emotions. Meaning that if you did destroy them.. you would die as your body would cease to properly function. So no.. it can't just happen.

I enjoy crushing your retarded opinions and demeaning you with my superior knowledge. Hexi taking sides with someone he hates and not even knowing it makes it all the more funny.

Try reading a book sometime. Preferably one published for a neurologist. That means a school book you guys probably couldn't comprehensively read anyway. Neither of you seems to invest anymore than your mouth into a conversation.. and one of you can't even fix simple computers..

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

Oh, Whitewolf, you're back. I was afraid I had run you off for a while there.

In the terms of Neuroscience.. it is not possible to destroy your emotions by cracking your skull open.

That's what I thought. So you didn't lose your emotions as the result of an accident after all?

I enjoy crushing your retarded opinions and demeaning you with my superior knowledge.

Oh yes, that reminds me. It's called a coping mechanism, not a cooping mechanism (which would be handy if you had chickens, I'm sure, but...). That's been bothering me for ages. Spell it properly next time, won't you?

Try reading a book sometime. Preferably one published for a neurologist. That means a school book you guys probably couldn't comprehensively read anyway. Neither of you seems to invest anymore than your mouth into a conversation.. and one of you can't even fix simple computers..

Ooh, look! I've reduced him to puerile insults! :) I like those. Your use of 'comprehensively' seems a bit strained, though. How about 'truly comprehend' or something like that? 'Couldn't comprehensively read' sounds a little awkward. Also... I wonder. Shouldn't it be 'any more than your mouth'? 'Anymore than'... no, that doesn't look right. Hm. Oh, and if you didn't mean me when you said 'one of you can't even fix simple computers', you can change that to 'neither of you can even fix simple computers'.

By the by, which two people are these? One of them is obviously me, but who's the other? Hexi? Or Catalyst?

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I think wolfie is angry because i don't aknowledge him, how petty. For all your boasting, you keep disappointing again and again.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I sometimes forget that you live in isolation.

Hexi, I value you far more than the others because we are similar. But I do not have any emotional dependency on you nor do I seek your acceptance as I already have it.

Yours is the closest structured mind to my own. Only in that you can relate to some of my actions and understand the underlying reasoning I may use as you share that same structure. Everything else is unique to the individual as far as I know.

I'm a paranoid psychopath. Which means I assume everyone is out to get me in some manner or another. But people don't get that I don't have any concept of fear. So really a paranoid psychopath is just an untrusting psychopath... which labels most of the higher capacity psychopaths.

I was ego boosting again. Can't help that. It's how God created me... because he loves me. No, but really even if there isn't a God.. I still don't fear death. I thought that would change that maybe I would be more emotional but no.. I guess everything inside is dead to me.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

Hahahahaha, you crack me up wolfie, you really do. That was awesome.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I still don't understand why you fear death. Why you would concern yourself with prolonging this life at all costs. For all the distaste you have towards the world.. you sure do seem like you want to stay in it.

I see your fear of death as an exploitable weakness that you shouldn't have. Perhaps... perhaps you are broken . :-(

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I'm confused. Who are you adressing wolf? If me, wut?

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

I'm confused. Who are you adressing wolf? If me, wut?

You said if your nation was invaded you would do anything to survive.. which included becoming a traitor.

People who have nothing worth dying for have nothing worth living for either. I find your existence shallow and unforgivably boring. In the South we would call you a house honky... if you were white.

I fail to understand why you would act in a manner that demonstrated such cowardice. Then again I'm not you.

Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

And how does that equate to me being afraid of death? If i have nothing to live for, surely i wouldn't care if i died, no? Or was that too logical for your superior mind to grasp?