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Re: Have i been sexually abused

Dr.Saltzman, delete my posts. The women who replied to my question were missing the point. Is it MY fault that my cousin suddenly touched me from behind? Is it MY fault that my dad suddenly touched my armpits without asking me? Also, i was exaggerating when i said no guy asked me out. Some guys did, but i turned them down. and i didn't make myself clear when i said i acted really slutty. I meant i liked to tease guys with sexual talk and watch them get aroused, but i would never actually do "it" with them. Anyway, I think you're a psychopath. I agree with Wini and Jere. I know you deleted other people's posts because their contents were religious. I LOVE JESUS. okay, this post is religious. So delete my posts along with my original question please. Why are you not deleting my posts? This is turning out to be an absolute monarchy, not a forum. You're deleting whatever posts you want to delete and not deleting posts that the original writer wants deleted. If i had known about this i wouldn't have written in your forum.