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Words cannot express how uplifted I feel

From: Matt & Allison
Sent: Jan 2, 2006 2:51 PM
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: Your Book; Apostasy Revealed

My Dearest Brother in Christ,

You cannot know how your words have edified me, and words cannot express how uplifted I feel. That incident had grieved my heart going on three weeks, and now the burden has been lifted. This is one of those "revelation" moments for me; when a piece of the puzzle, that has been sitting in plain sight but has escaped my vision, has been pointed out. Once I finally "see" it I'm able to put it into place. Once in place, a number of other pieces immediately come into focus and I'm able to put those in place, as well. Suddenly, the entire scene I've been working on for so many years is that much closer to being complete! I'm able to grasp a little more of it today, and it's beautiful.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Rita and getting the Apostasy ordering problem rectified. Between the website sending me to order Megiddo and your glowing review of the video, seems the Lord intends for us to see it, so I will order that, too, this week.

Peace be with you, Nicholas. May God Bless you with all courage and strength to endure, and with great gladness in your heart at knowing you are numbered among the Saints.

Your Sister in Christ,
