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Blessings to You

From: Matt & Allison
Sent: Dec 31, 2005 12:39 PM
Subject: Blessings to You

Dearest Brother Nicholas,

May this note find you relieved of heavy burdens today. Thank you for serving the Lord with all your might and soul. You cannot know how your words to Sister Juli have comforted me this day.

I, too, have desired a church to attend, but have not found one that teaches the Truth. I see many people who tend a variety of churches; they always appear so happy. They laugh much, sing in choirs, rave about sports teams and games, and talk enthusiastically of surface subjects. Yet no one ever wants to discuss the Savior, the Bible, nor the times we're in! In fact, I rarely see anyone even acknowledge how close we are, as if they truly don't recognize the signs! How can anyone familiar with the Bible not see what's going on all around us?
To make matters worse, my entire family consists of my husband. Praise God he has come to embrace Christ as his Savior, that we pray together daily and have wonderful discussions about the Bible. But neither of the families we were raised in are Christian..........they are "agnostic" at best. My family (or past family) has made it clear I'm not to bring up Christ in our conversations, no matter how gently I mention Him. Needless to say, there are times we feel exceedingly alone and isolated, like a couple of orphans with no support system whatsoever, aside from one another. I've lost count how often I've thanked the Lord for the gift of my husband, but still it would be so comforting to find and fellowship with others who are also truly awake in Christ. It's difficult to describe the feelings of isolation. We've actually had moments when we suffered feelings of self-doubt, because truly how could SO many be blind and we be the only ones awake to the Truth? After reading your response to Juli I realize I've been hoping in vain to find the "right church," and that within our small sphere of the world my husband and I are probably "it" for this particular minute portion of the body of Christ. So be it, and I'll take comfort in the Lord's Grace for us. You put it so succinctly; we - not the building, the religion, or its leaders - make up the Church of Christ. The "right church" isn't a physical place to be joined on earth, but rather each of us joins that Church when we join ourselves to Christ.

I do wish to put forth a query of sorts. Most people, even Christians, happily go about their daily business, planning and saving for their futures. Scarcely a one seems aware, let alone concerned, with the political, social, and physical manifestations of the times we're in. The system of the Beast is being put into place - quite openly at this point - and I can't seem to find anyone who cares. They listen to atheists attack their Savior, watch as their faith is maligned in the media, and lift not their voices to protest. While He was still traveling and teaching, Jesus spoke of peace, of turning the other cheek, and of praying for thine enemy. But when His time was at hand, Jesus instructs, ...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 We are told in 2 Timothy to reprove and rebuke. My understanding of these scriptures is that we should defend our faith and ourselves. Have I misunderstood?
I was openly attacked (verbally) just a short while ago at work by a male co-worker, a self-proclaimed "agnostic," for being Christian and for believing in the Bible in the literal rather than allegorical sense. I was too stunned and livid to respond, and instead walked away. He verbally thrashed the Savior (and myself), and I did nothing! The fact that he is a budding college professor, while I have no "higher" education other than what I've read and studied on my own, didn't help my confidence level much. I was later informed by a couple of Christian co-workers that walking away was the "proper" response, yet that evening I found myself asking God to forgive me for not defending Him (in addition to praying for the young man). Two women witnessed the attack, and not knowing their beliefs I wonder that I did the Lord a disservice by not defending Him. Perhaps these women were not Christian, and a more honorable response on my part could have guided them towards the Savior. I am truly confused about how we are to deal with attacks against our Savior and our faith, especially as it seems so clear that the rise of Adversary is at hand and things are only going to get much worse for us. Perhaps you can shed some light on this conundrum, if you would be so kind.

I would again like to thank you for all the good works you do, Nicholas. I hope you have some inkling how critical your writing is to so many of us out here; a ray of warmth and light to those of us feeling alone in the cold and dark. May God Bless you and keep you safe.

Your sis,

Reply Pt. I

January 1, 2006

Dear Sister Allison and Brother Matt,

Thank you so much for your kind and edifying letter. I bid you both peace (shalom), to you and your houshold.

After praying in the New Year and awaking the next day (today) I was so refreshed to read your letter that awaited me. You are the reason why I minister the way I do. I know there are others like us who are undergoing an awakening and as we awaken from our long slumber, we need to be about our Father's business to help others find their way out of the quagmire of indifference and unbelief so plaguing society. Becomming aware of the harsh realities stirring around us is the first sign of awakening. If love still resides in your heart after your initial waking moments, the first inclination is the desire to "do something" and be useful to God. These are like the first moments of the real born again experience when we obey the unction of God's indwelling Holy Spirit. We are literally moved by God to begin discipling but only those whose hearts are ripe and ears are clean of wax will hear the voice of God and respond to "like minded sheep." The sheep will hear the Shepherd's voice. Therefore, do not be so hard on yourself for failing to uphold and defend our loving Lord. The message cannot be heard by all but we are not to be partial in our delivery of witness. More plainly, do not judge that such a person is not to hear your witness but rather let the Word of God roll off your lips so that it might be remembered later by the receiver and convict him of his own indifference and rebellion. It takes time for a vine to sprout leaves and later the blossoms arrive only to become fruit late in its season. Think of yourself as the one who sows or the one who waters. Not everyone is called to soldier but the real workmanship in any of these callings is the workmanship of God for He alone causes the growth!

When you wrote, "But when His time was at hand, Jesus instructs, ...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 We are told in 2 Timothy to reprove and rebuke. My understanding of these scriptures is that we should defend our faith and ourselves. Have I misunderstood?" No, you did not misunderstand but you might only be given to sow or water at this time in your life. Do not be so troubled. A number of years ago, the Lord spoke to me on one of many occassions and said, "You have become as a sword is to a brave warrior. You have become a son to me and it pleases me." Now in this context, I was in one firery trial after another defending the truth against a certain number of local pastors, priests and disgruntled apostates. Each was indifferent to Christ and had adopted some other form of false worship and understanding. I quite naturally had become a defender for the truth and faith in Christ crucified and was witnessing the power of God through my practical application and obedience to His Word. It was also at this time that I was made to understand "His Word was the Spirit, the Spirit of truth" and abiding in it allowed for safe cohabitation of God's Holy Spirit. He further whispered in my ear that this was literally another fulfillment of "the word becomes flesh" and was not for me alone but for others who are also able to fully surrender their lives unto the will of the Father through the pattern of Christ Jesus. Allison, we are not all called with the same degree or portion of gifts but God alone sovereignly aportions each according to His divine will and purpose. I am thankful that my interaction with sister Julie did so much to show you that you are not alone. Though we are still few by comparison to the broad mainstream, there is no building that can be built by the hand of man to house all of God's chosen. It would be a physical impossibility. Christ's true Church is ever moving and ever working and we will know one another not by word or deed alone but by our word and deed together showing evidence of our living and abiding faith in Christ. There is no bottled formula nor method for our witness except the very pattern established by Christ and also his disciples who became Apostles.

If God wanted to speak something to that fellow worker then I trust that His Word would have rolled off your lips. You see, being surrendered to God's will and the unction of His Holy Spirit also means remaining silent when no word is given. This then is another fulfillment that we should not be found "casting pearls before swine" but it is not you or me that determines who shall get a word and who will not but the decision belongs to God and He will use you to either say a word or remain silent. Now, if it were your husband in your shoes in that moment, I'm almost certain that he would have spoken a profound or prophetic word to this man. This would have demonstrated obedience to "reprove and exhort with all authority," but it was likely not the right time or place for you to engage in such with another "man."

Replying Part II

Replying Part II

In this context, I am of the strong belief that men should deal with men and women with women because "a man should not have to suffer a woman's teach" but this is not always carved in stone. Here is why.... the world is full of weak and mediocre "so-called" men and when there is no man to do the Father's bidding, God is most capable of using a "strong woman" of faith for the task at hand. Therefore, I am inclined to agree with your two Christian friends who said that you did the right thing by walking away and saying nothing. The "Word" was again fulfilled and you "turned the other cheek."

As you experience the trials of life this way and continue searching the sciptures for contextual understanding, your relationship with God will grow ever closer and you will discover more meaning to your life. The dissapointment you temporarily experienced was necessary to incite you to ask questions and in all your asking, God was able to answer you directly through His Word. Did you feel that? That was a growing pain and one that we all experience if we remain grounded in His Word and allow the Word to do what it was given to do... to judge a matter. I hope that this helps you to understand a little better what you experienced. We all will suffer dissapointments and agonize in our lives over possible disobedience if we remain centerally focused on Christ and God's Word. This is all part of our developing relationship with Him and I can guarentee you that if you and your husband stick with it and stay well grounded, you will experience tremendous growth because your hearts desire to please Him. Your journey has only begun and there is so much more waiting for you on the horizon. Try not to let the "state of things" to weigh you down. I know it is depressing and often times a real grind but it is likely going to get much worse before it gets better. Allow God therefore to keep your lamps filled with oil and shining brightly so that others may find their way through the growing darkness which is all about. It is in your (our) weakness that God's strength may reign supreme and help you and others to "overcome the darkness." In the end, "He who overcomes will inherit..."

Remember that it was Jesus who said, "He who does the will of my Father who is in heaven are my brothers, sisters and mother." So continue being about the Father's business always being open to readily serve in any capacity and when God so desires it... (trust me on this) He will use you and you will have no choice of the matter because your choice was already made. Awaken each day as I do and start the day out by asking, "What is thy bidding today oh Lord?" Then gird yourself because you're about to witness opportunity unfold before your very eyes. Be ready, instant, in season and out of season to do our Lord's bidding and to give a "good word." In this, you will find yourself approved and always proving yourself a "Doer of His Word" thereby spreading the real witness the world is waiting to see again.

May your year be filled with the vast wealth of His grace and mercy overflowing to such an extent that you shall have plenty to share and spread. Give freely that which He has freely shared for all things become clean to you who give that which is from within.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Ordering Apostasy Revealed...

From: Matt & Allison
Sent: Jan 1, 2006 3:03 PM
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: Your Book

Dearest Brother,

I have just tried to order your book, Apostasy Revealed, through the Cephas website but instead it brings me to a page that states I've just ordered a video titled Megiddo.
If I order your book through the Cephas link to I can get it(, but ordering your book from this page and I get...... Video: Megiddo
The March to Armageddon. Just clicking on the title to read what it's about places the order for the video.

Just thought you should be aware of this problem.

Your Sister in Christ,


Ordering Apostasy Revealed...

January 2, 2006

Dear Allison,

I just sent out a request for assistance on your behalf to to Rita to see if this problem can be rectified. I certainly don't want there to be any issues that may hinder the publics access to my book. In regards to the video Megiddo, Wow, what a great presentation this is. It will grant you tremendous insight into the "system of the beast" that we both know is being well established in our current time. This is one of the best quality productions we have available. I would highly recomend its viewing if you and your husband are interested. You won't be dissapointed. In the mean time, I will see what we can do to assist your order for my book. I hope to hear from my faithful partner in this ministry, Rita, and she should be able to correct the problem you discovered. Thank you for your edifying reply to my initial response letter. It provided me a great deal of warmth and was filled with love.

1 John 5:1-4 "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is begotten of God: and whosoever loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. Hereby we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and do his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith."
2 John 1:5-6 "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote to thee a new commandment, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we should walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, even as ye heard from the beginning, that ye should walk in it."

May our Lord be with you both, now and always...
Your faithful brother and servant to Christ,

Nicholas A. Stivers

Words cannot express how uplifted I feel

From: Matt & Allison
Sent: Jan 2, 2006 2:51 PM
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: Your Book; Apostasy Revealed

My Dearest Brother in Christ,

You cannot know how your words have edified me, and words cannot express how uplifted I feel. That incident had grieved my heart going on three weeks, and now the burden has been lifted. This is one of those "revelation" moments for me; when a piece of the puzzle, that has been sitting in plain sight but has escaped my vision, has been pointed out. Once I finally "see" it I'm able to put it into place. Once in place, a number of other pieces immediately come into focus and I'm able to put those in place, as well. Suddenly, the entire scene I've been working on for so many years is that much closer to being complete! I'm able to grasp a little more of it today, and it's beautiful.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Rita and getting the Apostasy ordering problem rectified. Between the website sending me to order Megiddo and your glowing review of the video, seems the Lord intends for us to see it, so I will order that, too, this week.

Peace be with you, Nicholas. May God Bless you with all courage and strength to endure, and with great gladness in your heart at knowing you are numbered among the Saints.

Your Sister in Christ,
