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Re: Psychiatrist called my smile SEXY

As a layperson, I would say that "sexy" doesn't always mean sex or attraction or sexual appeal. Sometimes it means alive or triggering of good emotions.

For instance, romantic doesn't always mean situation for love. Once I had a friend refer to an old desert town street as romantic (we were on a road trip). She was speaking more of the throwback to lost times.

Yes, to me sexy could also mean she was saying you came to life and that evoked happy energetic emotions about you.

Maybe her ultimate goal is to lure you off of (what I perceive to be with admittedly very limited information) your safety net holding you away from the messy emotional world below (where things can be "hot" but have nothing to do with sex).

And maybe in the future you'll look back in amusement at her crazy style, pushing your buttons and making you feel uncomfortable in a safe place (her office) so you can deal with it on the spot.

Anyway, that's my take as a non-professional. I wish you the best!