Indeed it is. I can't be bothered though, much more hilarity to be had when done in the real world and much more exciting, like watching 2 trains collide.
I wasn't playing a game. Or a train collision. I offered a friendship even if virtual. I was not aware physical presence is a prerequisite. I understand the limited value that I may have offered to you but it was sincere. I am not sure that I am meant for this forum, I just felt a connection and tried to explore it. Please email me if you are faintly interested.
You know what I have found about this reply business... that another thought always comes later. Here is the point, that maybe, you could teach me something I don't currently find a strength. As I look back on past posts between many of you, I am not as frank or sarcastic. I am too damn kind. Could ya teach me something? I can leave the emotion out of it, if you are willing.
Ok, Hexi, for whatever reason which I am not going to speculate, you don’t wish to communicate with me privately. It was my wish, because I am not a public person with issues regarding me. On first glance, I may seem like some simplistic sort that does not have the wit or intelligence to humor you properly. Given I do not have your intrinsic gifts shall we call them, I probably am not that entertaining, but I still admire your directness and objectivity in many cases. This is why I like this site (excluding of course the admirable qualities of Dr. Robert). .. there are multiple participants that possess qualities that I do not inherently possess or that certainly complement my gentle mind. Afterall, if I was like you, and the others that may be similar, then I would not need your thoughts to clarify mine. It is my hope that over time you will grow to appreciate me and that you do not wish to chop me up in bits and sink me to the bottom of the ocean in chains I plan on posting some issues that are personal to me. I guess I have nothing to lose as I hope that over time, I will regain my cynical humor and sarcasm that I use to possess but lost over years of emotional beatings. We can speculate whether I deserve them or not later.
I didn't even notice your posts. I wasn't out to reject your or hurt you or anything but i do not wish to talk privately as i'm too paranoid about the internet. Things have a habit of coming to bite you in the ass.
Hexi...ever felt like you relate to someone? I am not you or Toby for that matter, but it is like a soulmate to me...I just feel open and free to speak. It is damn glorious.
When I say personal, I mean personal to me...
For reasons unknown, I am unable to share my deeper thoughts with most. It isn't so much that my words are so private, it is that the concepts that I seek to express are understood by so few. I am uncomfortable with my emotions in these regards, and I will naturally seek generalizations. I don't like it, and I gravitate towards those that I can be blunt and not shock at all.
It is coming. I just have to hold my breath and prepare.Believe me I know myself and this is difficult for me. (no I don't have some shocking story to tell- it is real life as it is occurring now)...and for some reason, this forum...actually the people in this forum that are allowing to progress.
Saw you were kicked off another forum. Could I be mistaken? How many of you are there??
"Hello everyone.
I have a question, why was WhiteWolf banned for voicing his opinions?
Isn't that a violation of "free speech"? I'm assuming that people cannot be so ignorant they cannot see that free speech covers all subjects, all opinions. No matter how "hardcore" they may be....
Oh, and Cboo, WhiteWolf asked me this... "If you see Cboo, tell that Judas I said hello".
Judas, Ey? :-)"