I dissagree. If you read my current thread "im a sociopath but i don't want to be one" or something like that and you read my last post which is a very indepth analysis of me as a person you can see quite clearly I am one but I too like him would try for a relationship and not be trying to harm my partner.
The idea of being a psychopath may be appealing but how much reality is there to this? Do psychopaths hcare what others think?
Hexi, do you care what I think in terms of feelings or rather do you view the information I have displayed and without consideration for my feelings approach me from a more logical aspect? Or what do you do, Hexi? Explain how you process thoughts.
Well as the poster above has pointed out in my thread I may indeed likely not be a sociopath after all and something else. I'm still confused as to what I am now, so maybe what I said isn't so helpful. haha.
It is unclear to me if you are really seeing a sociopath. And if he hasn't hurt you yet, and yet you believe that he still is one, then believe that pain is inevitable.
I am trying to raise one. He asked me two years ago to be there for him. He stated that he knew that he was a sociopath but that he didn't want to go that direction. At the time, he had just been convicted of 6 felonies, and leading 4 other teenagers to a criminal background. In those two years, this young man has promised he wouldn't lie to me, and that he cared for me. In these two years I have seen him carelessly take small amounts of money, wreck my house, quit working intermittently, blame everyone for everything he does wrong, abuse and use his girlfriend, start using certain drugs, threaten suicide, misrepresent himself to others and humiliate or put me down to others, as well as endless other things.
I am one of those people who still believes that maybe a sociopath can change. And honestly, it has cost me over 10 thousand dollars already.
Do they change? No, I think that we just learn to deal with them in a controlled fashion every day and then protect ourselves with ammunition for when they turn on us.
I love my sociopathic adopted son, but he is bad news. Rather than try to justify the relationship, why not seek to understand WHY you want to be hurt. Because that is what it is. I know, I live it daily.
And I know how good that can be to spend time with.I have made him a best friend. He is charming, charismatic, fun, snd tender but only on his terms, which isn't often.