I still don't understand why you fear death. Why you would concern yourself with prolonging this life at all costs. For all the distaste you have towards the world.. you sure do seem like you want to stay in it.
I see your fear of death as an exploitable weakness that you shouldn't have. Perhaps... perhaps you are broken . :-(
I'm confused. Who are you adressing wolf? If me, wut?
You said if your nation was invaded you would do anything to survive.. which included becoming a traitor.
People who have nothing worth dying for have nothing worth living for either. I find your existence shallow and unforgivably boring. In the South we would call you a house honky... if you were white.
I fail to understand why you would act in a manner that demonstrated such cowardice. Then again I'm not you.
And how does that equate to me being afraid of death? If i have nothing to live for, surely i wouldn't care if i died, no? Or was that too logical for your superior mind to grasp?