The only reason I was up and about that late was because I had too much food in me, can't sleep with all that energy to burn.
Say, Catalyst--
Would you like to be specific about what exactly you found wrong with Dragontongue's reply to Rhia? As I wrote, I thought it was right on the money, particularly in its sensitive attunement to her age and emotional development.
Anyone with half a brain can play oneupmanship games--particularly anonymously online. And only a quarter of a brain will serve to be cleverly dismissive as you seem to enjoy doing. It takes a mensch to write some helpful advice.
Catalyst is only here to seek attention, that's his only function in life so just ignore him.
I want to apologize for not thanking everyone for advise sooner. My internet was down, so I did not get a chance to read all of these thoughtful responses.
How do you tell a daughter that her father is not perfect and has control issues? The truth is you really can't. Girls bond stronger with their fathers than mothers and the same is true for boys with their mothers.
Your father is narcissistic. Your ego will never accept what I have said and more than likely you will become angry with me. I'm sorry.
The clue was how you reacted to Dr Roberts suggestion that you should show your family and how you reacted as if that would be a terrible idea. Open minded parents would reflect on what has happened but self absorbed narcs.. only get mad because you threatened their egos.
I'm not at all angry. I do think that both of my parents are very close-minded and I never thought my father was perfect, but they do put me first in their lives. My father does not have control issues... I mean, im not sure what you mean by control issues, but my parents never beat me, never broke my things... nothing in terms of violence.
I am guessing there is no cure for "close-mindness" though!
Once again, thank you for response!
Thank you for the nice things you said about my response! :)