Re: sociopath challenge-and difference between N's + S?
thanks for the explanations...
funny i would have pegged you as narcissitic in your post- one where you bragged about loving this girl, other 5 puppets you wanted to drop etc...
and this one you sound very much like Spok, and that is my term for sociopathic lol! anyway, i guess there is a reasonable amount of grandiosity with your kind also, you just don't bother putting on a childish display (as much)..
and I do agree - I think you are just a different type of person. born not made, but can be influenced nonetheless obviously by family and environment like anyone to a point..
I don't get howcome you can't project - that this person across from you is just another you- and that you wouldn;t want to feel pain so why would you want to inflict in on someone for fun? why do you have these violent fantasies so to speak? is it that you can but choose not to?
when you say you love this girl- i take it you were joking, really you just want to dominate, own her like a doll, have sex with her, use her for money,and eventually mess her up bad so bad she winds up in the loony bin right? i mean you know that can happen..
just wondering how would you feel if she killed herself, or what would you tell yourself if that happened- and it was due to your mental abuse? that she deserved it for falling for you? just another day at the office kina thing?
can you feel fleeting senses of empathy or guilt?
also what do you get out of visiting this site? is this just to give you a better understanding of psych so you can play the game better so to speak? (just curious to see if the cliche rings true)
AND- can sociopaths enjoy learning- say in order to grow as a person? or is knowledge generally not valued unless it is utilitarian, like a means to an end.
lastly- a few i know were seemingly addicted to tv, or videogames, any clue why?
thankyou again for giving me a window into your world, quite interesting..
Re: sociopath challenge-and difference between N's + S?
You clearly have my confused with some other poster so i don't really know what is pointed at me, or where the confusion comes from.
This will sound like a cliche but it's true, other people mean nothing to us. If my whole family died my first thought would be "cool, money" followed by "oh great, now i have to preted to others that i give a ****". I've lost people that i've known very well, and some that i consider "close" and it honestly didn't affect me in any way. I was 8 when my grandmother died and i was often there and my first thought was "nice, now i don't have to go to the hospital anymore", after the funeral it dawned to me that i was different, just didn't understand how.
I visit this site to discuss things objectively and conscious free. It's hard to discuss things like psychology and violence without people getting all emotional. I've been interested in psychology for as long as i udnerstood the concept i think. I've said before that i enjoy learning things that interest me for the sake of learning, even if there is no real value in it. History is a good example of such a subject.
Addiction... hmmm i wouldn't go as far to say as being addicted to anything but sociopaths require stimulation alot more than normals, otherwise they get bored so what might seem like an addiction is just "killing the time".
As a side note. We aren't that interesting, just different. Like a black and white movie.
Re: sociopath challenge-and difference between N's + S?
Another thing that just came to my mind. I don't fantasize about violence in a way that you understand it. I don't get excited about it in a way that would constitute as fantasizing. I think about new ways to inflict pain and ways to mess with people but there is no pleasure in it, simply thinking about it casually like you would think about a math problem.