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Chaotic behaviour

Bear with me, i'm not sure where this is going as i type this but try to dredge through it.

Something just dawned to me. I'm very chaotic, untill a certain critical moment. I have no "game plan" in anything, when i start. Be it chess (a game i enjoy immensly). interaction with others or just everything in life really i never have any real goal when i engage in it. With people. i have no predispositions, no preconceptions and no ulterior motive. I casually engage in conversation no matter the topic, i don't consciously try to gauge anything. Untill i spot a weakness, a flaw in character, that's when i strike, at times with extreme purpose to break that person down or to get something i want.

An example from chess. I randomly move pieces without any kind of forethought or intent, pure whim. Untill i spot what my opponent is trying to do and due to the chaotic nature of my game, they rarely know where i will strike from because there is no pattern or plan to anticipate. This is true for everything i do.

Another example is this very forum. I post random stuff, barely even reading what people write. I put forward baits, illogical statements and just pure garbage. Untill someone bites, i hardly care at all what i just wrote or what i'm about to write. Utterly chaotic. When someone does engage in an argument or conversation, i become focused, i put thought into what i post, start to gauge others motives and read what they don't want to convey.

Is this kind of behaviour common?

Re: Chaotic behaviour

The subject was a bit misleading; I thought you were talking about the Chaos Theory. :-)

It's not normal among Empaths, but it is (as far as I know) a common trait among psychopaths. We plan ahead, we plan our future and act accordingly.

I can't play chess. I can't plan ahead in chess very well. Because I am a retard.

Re: Chaotic behaviour

That type of behaviour is common among psychopaths and empaths, but mainly psychopaths. They can't plan ahead, while we can. MU HA HA HA HA!

Re: Chaotic behaviour

Really? That seems... odd. Considering the way we are protrayed as cruel and calculative.

Re: Chaotic behaviour

"Because they lack the inhibitory mechanisms of fear and guilt, psychopaths take foolhardy risks and don't plan ahead."

"Lack of realistic, long-term goals — an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals."

Need I say anymore?

Cruel and calculative?
British Psychologists aren't as quick to condemn people with disorders it seems.
"But one scientist believes psychopaths, despite their sometimes terrifying behavior, deserve compassion.
At its core, he argues, psychopathy is a learning disability that makes it difficult for psychopaths to stop themselves from pursuing harmful behavior."
We class psychopathy as a "learning disorder", It's true if you think about it...

Re: Chaotic behaviour

ONE scientist... yeah... i'll pass :P

Re: Chaotic behaviour

Einstein was just one "(what was he)" but he was very, very intelligent... Sure he was German, but...

Re: Chaotic behaviour

Who was widely ignored and ridiculed untill he proved his theories. This one scientist you meantioned "thinks" without any real evidence to back it up, which ofcourse is the case many times in mental issues.

Re: Chaotic behaviour

Actually he did a study of 100 psychopaths. Thats still ****, there are fairly high chances he could've happended to pick like 70 horrible ones....
Anyway, people still think Einstein was wrong...

Re: Chaotic behaviour

not all empaths.

those with a diagnosable personality type are often the way hexi describes.

i am one, borderline borderline (lol), and certainly no psychopath.

My plans, if i make any, are short-lived. I live from day to day, and i mean that barely figuratively.

Hexi's comment just reminds me that he is designed to do one thing very well, spot weaknesses and so obviously that takes precedence over anything else.