Whitewolf - I do not suffer from paranoia - But you are one of the biggest threats to MyTherapy, soon, no doubt, you will start to launch attacks against my site. You must be stopped. I suggest you don't send anymore people over to discuss banned topics... you. And don't be so cowardly to not directly respond to this post or i'll make sure you're banned on here too.
Paranoid and angry.
You have plans. You're a schemer trying to control your little world. I just like to show you how silly your little schemes are. Look what I did with little more than words.
Look how ugly you are now... Doctor.
The saddest part is it's all in your head anyway. I've done nothing. Anyone who asks of me is simply trying to expand their understanding.
Don't call me angry and paranoid, you have problems yourself. You "haven't done anything"!? How about insulting my forumers and supporting genocide? And you tell me I like to control my "little world" and end by telling a fellow forumer not to display his opinion? Shame on you. Your pathetic.
Hey Dr.Phil, exactly what are you trying to do here(Two things, I wasn't making fun of you when I called you "Dr.Phil", and I'm just curious about what you wish to attain by posting here)?
...now that I think of it, I wouldn't be suprised if you(the entity that is posting messages here, not the Doctor) and Wolf were the same person. Wolf IS a psychopath, so wouldn't this ruse be quite an effective means of controlling us all(pure speculation with no proof)?
Hello Catalyst, first of all, I am certainly not Whitewolf, that ignorant psychopath has severe mental health problems that need addresing. And as for what I wanted to acheive on here, I wanted to request Whitewolf leave my discussion board alone and stop trying to illegally re-enter our community. He is the most pathetic life form I have ever met, he condones genocide, and has threatened our forum members with violence for airing their opinions. Just ask him. I'll leave this forum now, full of arrogants.
Hey Dr.Phil, exactly what are you trying to do here(Two things, I wasn't making fun of you when I called you "Dr.Phil", and I'm just curious about what you wish to attain by posting here)?
...now that I think of it, I wouldn't be suprised if you(the entity that is posting messages here, not the Doctor) and Wolf were the same person. Wolf IS a psychopath, so wouldn't this ruse be quite an effective means of controlling us all(pure speculation with no proof)?
Thats the thing about being unpredictable. It puts everyone completely off guard. No one knows what to think. So they generate these complex and confusing ideas. A bit SZ. They stop trusting one another and as the stress builds it... well the mind can sometimes be it's own worst enemy... if you feed those negative emotions.
Dr. Long has banned a few innocent people from his website because he thought they were me. It's interesting to watch innocent victims get further victimized by a paranoid Psychologist who thinks you are out to get him. It's my proof that once you break these people down... they will eat eachother.
I bet he thinks he's on a holy crusade to protect his precious followers. Do you feel... rightious in your actions, Dr. Long. Do you feel justified? Who among yours have I had any interaction with? I'm here.. not there.
I'm not Hitler... I'm really not out to get you either. I know you wronged me but that was a long time ago. I just don't care. Flattering me is fine but really you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Besides... there really is no right answer to give you. You hate me.
I'm sure Adam West is turning over in his grave, he's not dead, he just likes to sleep there. Anyway, so that's taken care of. Oh yeah, Wolf, I only considered the possibility that you were the doctor, there was no suspicion or accusation.
Whitewolf, I have a rather large following, what do you have? 100% honesty forumers, how many of you even respect and how many of you stand by him? I doubt anyone will, your hated. Philip W. Long, M.D.
I'll assume you meant "How many of you even have respect for him, and how many of you would stand by him".
I respect him as I would anybody, but as for "standing by him", I'm not sure exactly what you mean... Care to elaborate?
I wouldn't really care to elaborate, I was clear enough. But I suppose as you ask, I meant who would stick with him, who would side with him, who would stand with him, would you, Toby? You're a fool if you would. All psychopaths are bad deep down, morally corrupt.
wouldn't really care to elaborate, I was clear enough.
And then you go on to elaborate...?
Who would stand with him, would you, Toby?
Thanks for your elaboration, it was basically saying the same thing worded differently... Being probably the most honest person on this forum, yes, I would. So "I am a fool". Thanks, "Doctor".
All psychopaths are bad deep down, morally corrupt.
I thought the same, But I soon learned I was wrong, I learned not to display such a knee-jerk moral condemnation as you do, but hey, that's not your fault, you are not to blame for feeling a certain way. (If you feel you are, enjoy that infinite regress, because you're to blame for blaming yourself, ad infinitum.)
Too many big words, my head hurts. :-)
Whitewolf, I have a rather large following, what do you have? 100% honesty forumers, how many of you even respect and how many of you stand by him? I doubt anyone will, your hated. Philip W. Long, M.D.
You sound like a narcsistic personality.
I'm also dissapointed. I thought you would be far more intelectual but you're not. You're just another female member of the canine family. :-)
Understand this. I have nothing to do with your troubles.
You complain about be insulted then you add "and I hate you."....?
What is wrong with Dr Robert? I think it's a case of "normal disorder". There is nothing wrong with Dr Robert or this forum.
How can you call Whitewolf a criminal? or Hexi?
You certainly have a severe case of paranoia.
That previous post was not me. My guess is that it is Whitewolf impersonating me or Hexi... Be honest.... Whoever did impersonate me did a bad job of it, they put the subject as my website, then changed it, and put my email as my website.
It appears this forum is full of morons. Can't we just get back to the orignial subject of psychology?
It's better debating, asking and answering questions than arguing.
I would rather not, thanks.
What's the point of you being here doctor?
To tell forumers to "screw off", insult them, then request the psychopaths be banned?
You make me laugh... And not in a good way.
You're obviously not welcome here, yet you insist on staying....
Originally Posted by Phil Long MD.
I don't think psychopaths deserve to be defended from harsh critisicm. What gives psychopaths the right to be able to scare my users, insult my intelligence and then be sheltered by you?
I don't understand the motive for your posts on the forum, Doctor Long. First you say that Dr. Robert should ban Whitewolf from this forum. Why? Whitewolf has done nothing wrong here. He has a right to his opinions and his point of view. Is his opinion or p.o.v. "worse" than yours? If so, how? And why would you, a psychiatrist, be so hateful towards psychopaths? Dr. Robert makes every attempt to try to understand psychopathy as a normal human personality variant, while you, who should know better, do nothing but demonize an entire group of people who are they way the are because they were born that way. No one chooses to be psychopathic, Dr. Long.
I believe that you yourself are frightened by psychopaths which is why you say Whitewolf has no right to scare your forum visitors. It is you who is scared and you are trying to get Dr. Robert to ban Whitewolf because you believe that if Whitewolf gets to speak anywhere that threatens you.
What kind of a doctor are you anyway? A surgeon who is afraid of blood is in the wrong line of work. A shrink who is afraid of a psychopath is also in the wrong line of work.
By the way, I visited your website. I won't visit again. I suggest you check out not just this forum which you hate so much because Whitewolf and Hexi are allowed to post here, but Dr. Robert's website. There you may be able to read the words of a real doctor who is not afraid of the people he treats.
I am not Whitewolf! Jesus!
How sad do you think Whitewolf is? He's not going to waste his time having a week long argument.... with himself!
This forum is full of strange, strange, people.
Why are only 2 people on this forum actually sane!
I am not Whitewolf! Jesus!
How sad do you think Whitewolf is? He's not going to waste his time having a week long argument.... with himself!
This forum is full of strange, strange, people.
Why are only 2 people on this forum actually sane!
im is SANE you does meaning ME and YOU or? but i THINK it be rude to say not enyone else SANE because all PEOPLES in diferent if you DOES says one person NOT SANE then maybe you NOT SANE in his VIEW. and you DOCTOR there im DOSENT think enyone is be EVIL and also SOCIOPATH doesnt really exist it only be people who DOES thinking it does because they is UNSURE and think they doesnt knows but does and maybe even feels. also im is THINK all people is good in HEART and DEEP. IM is also thinking this DOESNT be your real opinion why you DOES say this? im is try FINDING reasons in peoples HEARTS. and dont CALLS dr. Long names because he is probably RESPECTED man and does his DUTY and does goes to churches and also is probably GOOD inside. like other people he DOES has opinion he can SAY too if you just calls HIM dumb for have HIS opinions for SAYING his opinions that someone ELSE opinion is dumb then that mean you does do same thing.
My real opinion...?
If you have an opinion, and you know it's going to insult many people, then keep it to yourself.
No, I did'nt mean you, But obviously you are sane. :)
I don't know if that is the real Dr. Long from MyTherapy, It might just be someone messing with us for a laugh or something.
If it is.... Then what kind of doctor hates his patients? LOL