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Hello, Although lots of question on here are about Psychopathy I'm about to add one more...
Do Psychopaths cry (honestly) at movies or films?
and Do Psychopthas ever feel the need to be forgiven for things? I know thats two but...
I think that there is a very repectable Psychopath here... :)

Re: Psychopaths?

I can't remember the last time I cried but I know it was done to BS someone into believing my story. Tears are very compelling. I may look back at a situation and ponder ways I could have proceeded better but no remorse.

It really disturbs people that we lack remorse. They want us to feel guilty. Strange.

Re: Psychopaths?

Also, I heard of a Psychopath who had a craving for stones? It's called Pica and It's wanting to eat things and having cravings for things that aren't food.
Ever had this? (I'm not joking)
I have lots of questions, but I cannot ask them all as they excess 100! :)

Re: Psychopaths?

Also, I heard of a Psychopath who had a craving for stones? It's called Pica and It's wanting to eat things and having cravings for things that aren't food.
Ever had this? (I'm not joking)
I have so many questions but there are 100s :)
So I will shh now :)

Re: Psychopaths?

Do they eat stones? Ha-Ha, I'll assume no... They say its obvious when Psychos are faking emotions. Dont know why you dont give being good a shot...?

Re: Psychopaths?

Do they eat stones? Ha-Ha, I'll assume no... They say its obvious when Psychos are faking emotions. Dont know why you dont give being good a shot...?


Re: Psychopaths?

Yeah Whitewolf, great defense. Exhaling.

Re: Psychopaths?

Well.. I don't eat stones.

I have heard of prego women having strange cravings to eat dirt.

Re: Psychopaths?

Sure you don't :)
And lots of other things. I think its called "pica".