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Why do I need future experiences if I already love myself now?

I finally love myself, who I am personally and who I've become, and I've come to realize that I love my life because without my life I wouldn't be who I am today and whom I love. And so, I am grateful for all the experiences I've had in my life, painful and pleasurable, which have made me into the person I am today.

So now, why should I have any new experiences in the future since I love who I am right now?

I don't know how future experiences will change me, and if I will love the changes in me, thus I don't know if I will love myself in the future like I love myself now.

Re: Why do I need future experiences if I already love myself now?

First of all Alias, congratulations on being able to love yourself so much that you are grateful for everything that’s happened in your life! What a terrific place to be! I love when I feel that way myself. It puts everything into such a clear but warm perspective.

Alias 1
So now, why should I have any new experiences in the future since I love who I am right now?

Why? Well why not? Wasn’t it the Buddha who pointed out the ubiquity of change? There are two things we can be certain about, and one of them isn’t taxes, as tax evaders prove. Those two things are death and change. Change is inevitable and if you happen to believe in an afterlife of any kind, change continues even after you die. But in any event, change is part of the deal. It comes part and parcel with being alive. So it makes sense to accept it, because whether you accept it or not, change happens. Also, wasn’t it change, via a variety of experiences, which helped make you the person you love today? Isn’t it possible that further change will only create a you that you love even more? Isn’t the possibility of being a slightly different you than you are now exciting because it gives more to love and new ways to love?

I don't know how future experiences will change me, and if I will love the changes in me, thus I don't know if I will love myself in the future like I love myself now.

That choice is yours my friend. The great news is, you get to decide. You don’t have to wait to find out what the changes are! That's the beauty of unconditional love.

Re: Why do I need future experiences if I already love myself now?

Well ignorance is bliss. :-)

Re: Why do I need future experiences if I already love myself now?

Thank you both for your replies, and you make sense.

Maybe I was afraid of change, but I understand that I would personally want unconditional love, and I guess it is possible to continue loving yourself more and more, even limitlessly?

Plus I must agree that it was changes that brought me to this point.

And also.... yes, ignorance is bliss ^^

I'll never know certain things, and I'm ok with that.

Thanks again!