From what I've come to understand... some people are capable of significantly hampering their own ability to function due to emotional internal struggles.
Stimuli such as fear was discussed. I believe love is the yin to that yang. Crippled by these emotions but you embrace them without control. You lose yourselves to these emotions be only your strongest can resist. People are like computers. Once you learn all their buttons you can take control of conversations using their emotional triggers to provoke.. desired responses. You all do this to some extent but even without ego I dare say My emotional calm gives me more control of conversations. Ever get in an arguement and just sink somebody without even the slightest concern? No, you'd feel bad about it. Even if it were an enemy?
I devised a moral way to judge myself. It's a bit Catholic and I'm not denominational. But you'll understand. I have this list with 14 words on it.
Gluttony - Temperense
Envy - Kindness
Lust - Chasity
Greed - Charity
Pride - Humility (sociopaths suck at this one. More like Narsissies)
Sloth - Diligence
Wrath - Patience.
I paticipate in standard ethical values.
On faith I have a final thought. Everyone believes in something. The Sun, the Earth, my god or yours. My favorite theory was that aliens came to Earth and nailed monkeys! Out pops man. Jokes.
Hope that didn't come off negative. I'm constantly a victim of misinterputation by at least one person who chooses it.
This interests me a lot.
Would you say more about how you use the pairs of opposites to judge yourself morally. And, would you say what the standard ethical values are and how you learned them.
we DOES be liek with my friend thinkin and we came to them conclusions that sociopathy not b actually mental illness or even a disability it be NO exists at all. Peoples who does thinks they b sociopaths are actually suferin from a form of stupidity which DOES involves lots of ARROGANCE, lots of DELUSIONS and lots an lots of YANG. they usually be DOES thinks they be smarter than them OTHERS but that DOES also believes every OTHER or THIRD peoples with even bit of ego. Usually they peoples be tryin to liek justify they be special by sayeing they r sociopath or like to thinks SO but doesnt USUALY notice that it not actually be realy COOL things. USUALY theirs intelligence is even BELOWS normal.
and also i would LIKED say there IS peoples that were like GOD CREATES and then he put EVILS and GOOD in peoples BOTH of them and he also did PUTTED feelings so everyone DOES has feelings. if you DOES ignores them feelings it be ur OWN problems but they no disappear anywhere. That is FACT. ALSO maybe you did had some PROBLEMS in childhood and that is WHY you did not SHOWED emotion anymore and then YOU did gotted think you different? I think your IS actually special. all PEOPLES is special. and also i suggests you trying to speak to god because it MAYBE help.
in END i would maybe add ALSO that mine FRIEND who i did talked with IS very sharp. we also DID comed to conclusion them sociopaths in MINDS thinks they respects people who DOES be intelligent. but we THINKS also that maybe they DOES judge INTELIGENT only if they DOES has same thinking MIND as themself.
I does hopes you CONSIDERS this message because it maybe help you and others out there.
Here's what I got out of that...
Psychopaths don't really exist. They're actually stupid people who had issues as a child. So they don't show emotions well? Oh and God put good and evil in us.
That's what I got out of it all.
English is a second language for you?
When my drink neighbor told me to get on my knees and then attacked me... I felt no fear. No emotional stir at all. I just tipped him over and slammed him into the sidewalk.
I admit it was enjoyable to feel how weak he was compared to me. Overpowering and slamming him down felt good. Grinding my elbow into his neck and pushing his head back also felt good. But I didn't want to hurt him. At the sametime I felt a desire to do just that. An instinctive desire to destroy him. Had I listened to that desire I would probably be in jail with him.
It must be hard for a normal persons mind to grasp the concept of a psychopath. Blocked by emotions.
nope DOES not never EVEN did happened. i DOES be black belted in KARATE and can BREAKS many tiles with CHOPS. WHAT you be is TALKING about elbows? i DONT thinks peoples CAN does that very EASELY in COMMOTION so you be PROBABLY lieing anyway. YES god did putted good and evil in ALL of us and also did PUTTED feelings and CONSCIENCE so it not possible for not HAVE emotions.
i NOT blames you that you BE lying ABOUT not haveing EMOTION but you does NOT knows it because your IS still be probably YOUNG and not SEENED world like i HAS. and also MINE english is perfect. usualy IF you does not FEELS excitement then you DOES be depressed or be very BORED. THAT why PROBABLY you dident GOTTED feel. ALSO if you does KNOWS what FEAR be then how you does SAYS you never felted it? or you DOES? Then you not BE sociopath. or YOU does get scared sometimes. for example i DID gotted scared very MUCH when i did WATCHED horror movie.
WHAT i DID meaned with saying it is FORM of stupidity is HARD to explained because we did HAD long discusion about IT. WHAT it meaned is that IT actualy be something you DOES decides to do. you CANS act with them EMOTIONS or you can DOES acts with NOT. it BE thinking your USEING logic only and ALSO does thinks it GOOD and ALSO does thinks it be COOL but it not. it like A BIT when you DOES eats MEAT but not cares about ANIMALS geting KILED for it. but you can also DOES chooses to CARES about it.
also YOURS disability does can be CURED. i has SEENED it when PEOPLES does goes to CHURCH and becomes more in PIECE. ALSO what you DOES described be nothing OUT of them ordinary. ONE TIME there was 3 peoples who did TRIED to stab me and ROB but then i did kicked one in GROIN and knocked two OUT and i dident FEELED anything ABOUTS it realy. BUT how does you KNOWS that you SUPPOSED be FEARED about some1 ATACCKEING you if you not? OR did you ASKED someone liek yours FAMILY?
MAYBE i thinks your DOES drawn into yours OWN world little by ALL TIME and then you DOES believes what you WANTS yourself already. THAT how usualy peoples HAS goten PROBLEMS. then you DOES SAYED to yourself your MORE inteligent then OTHER peoples because you DOES RESPECTS inteligence and also THEN you goten more AROGANT and thinks your aboves people because you MUSTS be because your WANTS to be.
ALSO you should READING my post CAREFUL in ALL detail or you CANOT understand what i DOES means. i DOES tried be CLEAR but if you DOES has any QUESTIONS about what i DOES means then ask.
but i ALSO does has question. WHY DOES you replied? i DOES not means WHY you NOT replied but what DID you wanted to SAY in REPLY?
Hey Daniel
What is you be doing here?
Man I sure laughed my ass of because of these posts too. Must be Jamaican or something?
Yep, this forum is definitely interesting and the discussions very fun to read. Btw, I'm an empath and therefore, a "normal". And I agree that many of the normals at SocioWorld are a bit too "annoying" and typical of many humans: all too eager to believe in "The Truth" than to actually look past a stereotype. Amusingly, babies mimic human expressions and in parts of Asia, people construct layers of "false personalities" in order to fulfill society's demands of a certain stereotype and then adjust their body language/their thoughts/etc. to fit the personalities of the different layers. So, it is with much amusement, that I realize that it is human to perceive the world from your own viewpoints/your own stands/etc. and believe that the rest of the world functions according to a certain "pattern".
And no, I don't buy into the bloody hype that all psychopaths/sociopaths are Ted Bundys , serial killers, rapists, etc., etc. or are creatures set loose among "humans", capable of destroying the world. (No, instead, incompetent governments, terrorists and biological viruses WILL destroy everyone.)
It's just so easy to take the worst of someone and judge everyone else from that category, according to it. I guess it's a self-defense strategy "kill or be killed" or even a useful trait that allowed humans to survive over the millenia "by using someone as the sacrificial lamb, only can the rest of the tribe survive".
I noticed that many "non psychopaths" like to call themselves and other "non psychopaths" empaths. I object to that label. No offence Dee.
To my understanding "empaths" are super sensitive to the emotions of others, somewhat beyond the "normal".
Yeah, I can feel emotions very intensively at times. It's like I can even taste some of them. And my emotions can be so strong, they affect the information from my stimuli. The colors of my world can become darker, lighter, "objects of say... orange-ish/reddish colors" become more noticeable, I can suddenly hear sudden types of sounds better. My body can drop in temperature and become icy cold when I'm shocked or stunned.
Sometimes, when I'm depressed, I can be unable to taste any types of food and everything tastes bitter/sour or simply, lacks any taste. When I'm happy, it's like I'm tripping out... oh so totally high.
And no, I don't always want to feel so strongly because I can drown in them and it really sucks. It's like I can feel the suffering, the pain, the depression of a thousand victims and it's like I'm alone, floating in the middle of a world of feelings and I'm bearing the weight of it all.
But then when I feel utterly empty, it's like there are 2 or more of me and 1 is an observer, always looking, always sensing and always watching. It's like my face makes all the expressions but I don't know what I'm doing or why. And I'm just acting out what a person of my age and stereotype should be doing.
And there are times when I can be both empathic and empty. Once, I was being suffocated to death. Part of me was screaming and clawing and stuff like that and also overcome with a huge storm of feelings. Fear, terror, horror, sadness, etc.
The other part? It was just going like "Oh this is what might happen when people get less oxygen in their lungs. Their body temperature drops, their vision starts to explode in a ton of bright lights and the world starts spinning. Their stimuli starts to shut down, they stop hearing most of the environmental sounds/noises, they're unable to see certain details and so on.
After a while, you even get to see the 'Tunnel of Bright Light' that some people have mentioned in near-death experiences."
It was kinda amazing, you know... part of me was just like taking notes and not feeling much, just playing the role of an emotionless observer. I suspect this state is just detachment, though. Who knows?
A bit more explanation into my thoughts actually:
The reason why I'm not that terrified or shocked (actually I'm more like "intrigued" as I'm always curious about the human mind.) about psychopaths/sociopaths is because of this:
I take a good, hard look at the world around us and I'm convinced that normal humans don't need psychopaths to destroy the world for them. We already are good at doing so and at destroying ourselves. There are so many abuse cases: sexual, physical, psychological, emotional, verbal, etc. And while people are out there pretending that they're pure and innocent and proud they're "democratic humans who embody the true principles of human rights", others are dying in places of war or if not, turned into humans incapable of feeling empathy or compassion("child soldiers" in Africa, concentration camps in North Korea, etc.).
We let people who are better at glamor and glitz than at solving problems, assume positions in the government. And these are people who lack understanding of "real history" (not "textbook history") because to be a good, capable leader doesn't require just empathy or compassion, but instead, you need an ability to actually learn from human's mistakes in the past 1000 years or so and NOT make those mistakes. It requires understanding of a myriad subjects like sciences, military, economics, human psyche, etc., etc. which I can assure you that few even bother to understand these days.
Btw, I've observed that humans are just brilliant at shutting away their remorse, their guilt, their conscience, and guess what? These are the empaths because you can see their guilt, the struggle as they try to fight down their conscience and just do whatever their parents, their friends and society tell them to. No, these people don't even know how to choose or even know what they're doing.
And then you've parents who don't really care much about their kids, who have no idea how to even treat humans on a decent level(which their kids then learn from), give their children utterly horrible education(no, 1 + 1 doesn't = 3 nor do you cure food allergies just by taking drugs or supplements). And then they teach them apathy: during Hitler's reign, it wasn't that much of the Germans lacked compassion or empathy. It was simply because they didn't care.
And then you know what? These children are the future of the society and then, I'm utterly convinced that the world is going to hell soon. Because poor leaders will choose the wrong wars, empathize with the wrong people, bankrupt the country's treasury, ignore the things that need fixing(poverty, drugs, etc.) and delude themselves into thinking that a band-aid solution will fix the world's problems. And apparently, the world's resources are stretching: we will no longer have sufficient food or water in 10 to 20 years' time and guess what? People are still trying to have children! At that point, I suspect that nothing but genocide, forced culling and sterilization will suffice. Or perhaps, Nature will simply reset everything and almost every lifeform will be vanquished and Earth will return to a being giant ball of lava. And everything will start all over again.
Also, to me, a ruler capable of compassion/conscience isn't always a good leader. Because showing compassion in the wrong moments, could kill millions of people while a ruthless dictator could be a better ruler because people get to live. But it all depends, really, on their abilities and skills at handling a set of situations, in a certain century. Being over-ruthless could get one killed too, if one p_i_sses off too many people and makes too many enemies. And sometimes, one just needs to show compassion to people or at least, pretend to. Being a normal human with very limited social skills, I sometimes just mimic what everyone around me does because hey... I've to show compassion when required to do so. Just pull a mask of sympathy, sadness, sorrow and just say the right words and so on. :P
In the spirit of the title of this thread, do you struggle with feelings of cynicism on the one hand and a desire to feel more idealistic on the other?
ok im DOES still WAITING for them WHITEWOLF to replies so i NOT wanted to post enything YET because i DID thinked it BE off TOPICS to replies to them COMMENTS. but i DOES wants to say SOMETHING to them POSTS DEE did posted.
WORLD doesnt destroyed in MANY years because GOD not let that happen so NOT worry about that. and AFRICA does needs helps i DOES think you IS right. but if you DOES says babies not BE born yours is DENY life. and i did LEARNTED that everything does ENDS GOOD so i will DOES promise i help AFRICA and them other COUNTRIES who does needs help. but THEM problems usualy BE that you dosent DO enything you does SAYS that no one DOES done enything about them BAD things but then you DOSENT do ENYTHING youself. i DOES will becommed PRESIDENT or OTHER LEADERS and when i does i GONA do enything to makes THINGS GOOD.
but i DOES not wants start DISCUSION about this because i DOES wants to WHITEWOLF answer mine POST.
God doesn't make mistakes. Remember? So using the Bibles reasoning I am exactly who God intended me to be. No amount of prayer is going to make the blind see or the crippled walk. I am the 1% and I am proud of it. Be like you?! Why? You think my existance is suffering? I live a better life than you. I don't have guilt or regret. I don't have internal struggles. I don't lose sleep for anything. I'm not built to look back...
You can't comprehend what I am because you think everyone is like you. You're wrong and your judgement is impaired. You're way out of your league.
Stop trying to fix what isn't broken.
NOPE God DOSENT makes mistakes. YOU did maked mistakes. GOD did created you in BIRTH so you DOES has good and BAD insides you. MAYBE them GOD did sended me to HELP you. I dosent THINKS your existence BE suferring but ONLY because you DOSENT knows about MINE life. YOU dosent lives BETTER life then ME.
i DOES thinks you doesnt COMPREHENDS what I AM IS. YOURS them JUDGEMENT be imparied. and what YOU does talks about LEAGUE? and you DOSENT answers question what ORGANIZATION you does be TALKEING about either.
im DOES tries to CURES you so you DOES has BE more HAPINESS in LIFE. did you TRIED speakeing to YOURS family or GOD?
Why are you on this forum Whitewolf? Just curious.
As for Lega: I dont understand the function of you preaching on this forum at all.
Hey Daniel,
LOL indeed. I actually read the entirety of this site before you were on it ( and I just by accident or opportunity thought Id have a look again and found all your posts). I especially enjoyed the ask dr robert archives, there are some pretty **** existential questions being asked that you never get to read anywhere else and its without the need for attention or acting interesting; just plain confessions and help seeking and thanks to Dr. Robert's policy its to the point. I really respect the way dr. robert is capable of explaining whatever without moral judgement but his pieces still sound personal and involved. I enjoy this site better than the other one cause its more real and more... intelligent, basically. The discussion between the 2 of you was really interesting but you checking whether the doctor wasnt trying to win anything really cracked me up. Come on.
I thought you moved south though? How is your new path working out?
Daniel, i just googled your name ( ofcourse I know its fake but thats just the kind of person I am), and I found some discussion on a site called topix where someone used my alias and yours I think, or was that you for real? As you asked somewhere whether it was me ( its getting rather complicated now): no, that wasnt me...
Really? Thats hilarious. I totally thought it was you.
Yeah well I guess I am more drawn in by the posts here cause I feel the people on here are more honest to themselves is the main thing I guess, it satisfies my curiosity better (remember we have a different 'constitution'). SW is fun though.
IF there would be any answer to a question you have that could be absolute ( which isnt possible) which would it be? cause obviously something in your head is longing for some fix, even though youre sensible enough to know it wont happen. Play with it, what would it be.
And: werent you going for some kind of career change or into a way of making use of the way you are?
Didnt mean in your head as in some wiring that needed fixing, but more a thought process in need of a fix. Understand what I mean?
Yeah I would like to know more about death if that were possible, but its not, so...