I've been living with a sociopath for 30 yrs and didn't want to believe it. Seems they pray on people like me. I want to believe the best about everyone and that alone has cost me throughout my life.
I met my husband at work. At that time all my friends obviously saw something I choose NOT to see. They all warned me to stay away from him. In fact one friend of mine said, "If you want to be verbally abused then hang around him"!
He was so charming and so sweet to me when I met him. Hung around him for a good year before anything got serious...but things did change and now I see what everyone warned me about. I wasted my entire life. My life was GREAT till the day I got with him...then it was over. How DUMB was I. :(
I had tons of friends, good job, things were great!! :) After meeting him and getting together pretty soon I turned around and had NO friends (Not even one)...no job thanks to him! Then he said he didn't want me to work...I could stay home and watch HIS kids. (My step-kids from his first marriage) Then he turned total controling and verbally and physically abusive. Alcholic also. He took my life from me and I didn't even see it coming till it was far too late. (Talk about stupid...that's me.)
I can look back on so many times when I use to think to myself he ENJOYED seeing me uphappy or misrable...now I know for SURE its true. The minute he saw that he had me upset...he would be all happy. Any time he was in a BAD mood...he would be laughing and smiling once he had me upset and in tears. He is sick! So I'm not sure how you say a sociopath is not a monster or a demon. Oh the stories I could tell. Anyone that ENJOYS hurting someone, along with being controling, abusive, both verbally and physcially is sick. He NEVER aplogizies either unless I would threaten to LEAVE him. (Which means I could take half of everything he owns since we've been married forever.) And then the apologie is so phoney its not funny. Plus he raises his voice and says "I'M SORRY...OK"!!! He's always ************** ever do I get a SINCERE apologie. I've wasted my entire life with this man.
How do you people that are antisocial/sociopaths go through life and actually have NO FEELINGS at ALL for other people. I just don't get it. It has to be something at BIRTH that is defective in the brain. I care SO MUCH about everyone and every thing...I just can't even imagine how indifferent a sociopath can be. Everything is all about THEM. Other people are to be used for their own purpose and then thrown away when their done with them! If anything goes wrong they are aways the VICTIM and did NOTHING wrong. I've been my husbands excuse for everything that has went wrong throughout our marriage...because he's PERFECT and I'm the screw up! He's evil now that I've opened my eyes. He's really nice when he wants something...but aren't all sociopaths. My step-son is JUST like his dad....obviously this gets passed on to their kids. My husband has gotten over on me in more ways then I even want to admit too. HE has been so sneaky and it took me years to see the full picture. I just can't believe what I've put up with. Being a nice person can COST you big time. (Or maybe I should say being NICE AND DUMB can cost you.) :(
Well we are just programed differently than you are. Where you have a conscience I have a void of pain. On some level it is gentic. Both my mother and daughter share these traits.
I like to think of it this way. We are all part of the animal kingdom. You were born prey and we were born predators. Does the lion feel remorse for killing? No, the lion has a killers instinct. The lion knows it cannot eat the grass to sustain itself and that it must feed off others to survive. However, unlike normal society the animal kingdom accepts this fact as a natural state. It's how nature balances itself out. Survival of the fittest.
Don't you find it interesting how we sociopaths can so easily detect your emotional weaknesses? It's a common trait we all share. It's as if this is what we are all designed to do. No where else in psychology do you really find a group that is so well built to prey on others.
Just like predators sociopaths come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some more leathal than others. You are prey to us. We never truely bond with you people. Do you bond with the creatures you so easily step on and destroy? No, it is a natural state of things for you to destroy and disregard creatures unlike yourself.
There really is no realistic way for you to detect us. Your kindness is your strength not weakness. See we don't have the emotional status you do but we understand far too well how much your emotions cloud your judgement. So we exploit your emotions. We are human hackers. We know which buttons to push to get the results we want.
I know what you are looking for. Just like so many before you you want to know if the devil really cares. That on any level we have compassion and love. Surely you have seen your husband show actual love for his children haven't you? That's where it is.
When my exwife left me I forgot her the moment she walked out the door. It mentally devastated her that I could just forget the last five years and move on like that. She even called me when the divorce was finalized as I didn't bother going. I slept in instead. Why wake up for court if you don't have to? When she told me we were divorced I said "okay bye" and hung up and went back to bed. I knew by her voice that she wanted some closure but who cares. She left me. I have no obligations to that woman anymore.
The psychological damage she incurred trying to get revenge on me and attack me as devastated her life. Once she left me she was nolonger my possesion so I stopped trying.
My word of advice to you is this. Don't try to get emotional revenge against a sociopath because we don't feel it and that alone will drive you crazy like it did her.
I try everyday to coexist with you people. I'm the 1 in 2 million that wants to change not because I dislike myself but because my moral guide just wants something more. I want what you people have and we don't.
Website: Mytherepy. Google it!
If you were really a sociopath with morals, you would not be living in the moment. It is true that morality "stands amongst the sciences, capable of demonstration". But that certainty takes forethought and a lack of impulsivity. Plus, you have to truly believe that there is something better than selfishness, that you cannot change the way the world works, and that you will most likely even be penalized for pursuing an alternative to selfishness.
And then the passionate people around you become the monsters. But you can forgive them for their stupidity.
Although, I imagine it would be pretty hard to learn something like the value of morality from the viewpoint of a sociopath.
Hey Whitewolf. I am intrigued by your description of yourself. I recognize the traits you described in several people I know, one of which is my dad.
I always wondered how he could be so cold and mean to me and my mom at times. Knowing about the nature of sociopaths, it calms me down a bit because it gives me an explanation to his behaviour.
I wonder though, do you never love someone? Why did you get married? Why did you have kids? Is love the reason? Do you love your family in any way?
I don't live at home anymore and I am **** glad. My parents live separated. It does however seem that my dad is genuinely interested in how I am doing, and does offer me advice and does his best in making my life comfortable. Would you ever be like that to your kids?
I see my daughter as an extension of myself. My genetic influence is strong in her. Even her personality is like mine as a child. I suffered a great deal as a child. I'm proud to say she has been well guarded from such. Do I love her? I have a mothers love for her. She is the only individual in my life that can provoke powerful emotions from me. She is my gift to this world. The ultimate purpose in my existance. I would not hesitate to die for my child and woe to thee who would harm her in my presence.
Children are sacred to me. They are never to be hurt. Spank them if you would like but take no hand to anything but their bottoms. Women have this same protection in my eyes. No matter what she said or how many times she hit me I never hit my ex wife back. There is no honor in hurting a woman or a child. I do not collapse to emotional desires and break my code. It has been severaly tested in the past.
If your father sees you as an extension of himself than I am sure he loves you.