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watermarking all images on site...

i was wondering if theres any way to add a watermark to all of my images automatically, as opposed to doing it in photoshop. i have nearly 50,000 images on my website, so doing that would be very time consuming. in addition to that, i would have an extra 50,000 files on the computer (originals, and watermarked images). is this possible?

Browser: firefox

OS: osx 10.5.6

Re: watermarking all images on site...

At first, I thought you meant some kind of batch process, like this.

But when you say: "i would have an extra 50,000 files on the computer" I'm no longer sure. Are you talking about some way that doesn't require you to store or upload the images? Magic?

Re: watermarking all images on site...

50,000 images YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME

I wouldn't put that much up on a website

What do you expect a miracle....

Re: watermarking all images on site...

yeah, i set up a batch process on photoshop actually, but that doesnt help for the allll the pics i have up already... there are some sites that add a watermark to the file after it's uploaded, instead of doing it individually... take ebay for instance... most of the time, the images have that little camera logo in the corner. there have been other sites like that too, but i cant think which off the top of my head.
and yup, i'm a band photographer, and have been since 2000. on my website there are currently 474 bands, and 48,938 pics, and that number grows every month lol.

Browser: firefox

OS: osx 10.5.6