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Dropdown menu troubles

I'm going cross-eyed trying to figure out why my drop down menu, which worked before suddenly doesn't. Been at it too long and can't -- see anymore.

Would appreciate someone looking at code and letting me know what the heck happened here.

Site: Troubled Site

Thanks in advance,

Re: Dropdown menu troubles

Find the declaration for the variable "menu6" and "menu7" in your Javascript and delete the extra "=" signs. Below is what I see. There is a erroneous "=" between "menu" and "6" and between "menu" and "7".

//Contents for menu 6
var menu=6=new Array()

//Contents for menu 7
var menu=7=new Array()

Also, you have two style sheets defined on your page, "images320/css.css" and "styles_134.css". Neither of them exist. Since they don't cause a problem they are not needed, so you can get rid of the link tags that declare them. Then there is a style definition like the one below. No such style exists, so you can get rid of it.

/* Default Link Styles */
a:style { font: arial; }

You might want to split out your styles and Javascript into separate file and then source them from your main HTML files. That makes it easier to work on and would allow you to keep your style definitions and Javascript menus consistent across all of your pages.

Re: Dropdown menu troubles

YOU ARE AMAZING ......... I looked at that script 100 times if I looked once and didn't see the extra 'equal' signs .... and yes, I was going blind and there was no way I was 'GOING' to see them.

You're great, I can't believe it!!

I also cleaned up some of the script as you suggest, thanks soooo very much.

I think I have to change the background of the drop downs now that I see them working!!

Again - thanks very much,