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help with from

Hi There
I set up a from fro my web site and it sending the information though OK but not attach the images?

I would like if i need a scrip to attach the file or do thy have to do it manual very time??

I not too good with tec stuff I am using old version Dreamwearver MX

I hope some one can help me please?

All the best

Re: help with from

What kind of form is it? Are you using a form from Bravenet and processing through the Bravenet Form service? Or, do you have your own PHP processing script and a form created with DreamWeaver? You haven't provided a link to the page with the form, so we can't tell easily.

To process attachments, the "enctype" attribute must be set to "multipart/form-data" in your "form" tag. Then, if your using a PHP program of your own, the program must split the text data from the binary data, which is the attachment.

In your form you should also have a "input" tag with a "type" attribute set to "file". This will give you a file browser box.

Beyond that, I can't be of much help, unless I can see the form and know how your processing it. Even then, I may not be able to fix the problem, but I'll have better chance.

Re: help with from

Hi Philo
Thanks for getting back to me!

It a form I have set up in Dreamweaver. It some infromation on there person like name age wthere location but I would like them to attach some images! Not sore if I am using php at all? I trying to email the form back to me! But if there a better simpler way please let me no??

here the page I have set up

I hope that helps? Any more please feel free to get back to m?

I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best

Re: help with from

Generally, if you don't know if your using PHP, then you are probably not.

You are trying to use a "mailto" action in your form. Using a "mailto:" action makes your form dependent on the site visitors email configuration. Generally, the "mailto:" action will pop up a email window with the form data in the content area, and your email address in the "To:" area. For most users, including myself, it would be a MS Outlook window. But, unless Outlook was configured to work with a mail server, nothing will actually get sent. With most users using some form of web mail, probably, 80 to 90 percent of your site visitors will not be able to use a "mailto:" reference.

The only reliable way for visitors to send you email, is with a form processing service. If you have paid hosting, you can install your own PHP form processing script. These scripts will take care of extracting your form information and send it to you. This also eliminates the need for you to have your email address on your web site, which will help decrease spam. You should be able to find lots of free PHP scripts and information on how to work with attachments. Just try a google search with the string "php form mail with attachment".

Also, Bravenet offers a free E-Mail Form service. I believe that it handles attachments. For the free service I think it's just one attachment that is less than 1 MByte. Their paid service doesn't have that limitation. With the Bravenet service, the email would be sent to the address you used to register with Bravenet. It seems to be a pretty reliable service and has a built in form builder.