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Please I am just trying to design a new site using one of the templates from bravenet. I can not seem to figure out the HTML and how to get it uploaded/downloaded.. I already have a site yes, I just wanted pages. Thank you..


My recommended method for working with the templates offer by Bravenet is to, download the template into a folder on your PC, unzip it, and then edit it with a web page design application. When you have it to the point where it can go on-line, you upload all of your pages to your web site.

The templates in the Template Gallery are stored in ZIP format. To make them available to you, browse the gallery, preview a few templates, and if you like them select "Add to My Favorites". Once they are in "My Favorites" you can choose a template to upload to your web site or download to your PC. When you download the template, you will need to UnZip it to get all of the HTML, CSS, and images.

The template will only come with a single HTML file. There will also be a folder that contains a single CSS file and one or more images for the page. To create multiple page web sites, simply make copies of original HTML file, giving each one different names. You home page should be named "index.html", but the rest of your pages can be named almost anything, as long as they have a ".html" extension. The you will need to edit the navigation menu in each page so that it reflects all of your pages properly. If you know in advance how many pages you will need and their names, you could modify the navigation menu on the "index.html" file before you make copies. Then all your pages will have the same menu.

Then you need to open your pages in a web page design application. If you know how to design directly in HTML/CSS you might consider a text based editor like HTML-Kit. This is a free text based editor with built in preview and upload capabilities. If you want something more graphic in nature you might try NVU or KOMPOZER. Both contain built in upload capabilities. Neither one are top-of-the-line editors, but they are usable and free. And, you can delete them if you don't like them.

If you want to upload your files, you can possibly use the on-line FTP Applet. Many users have had trouble using the FTP Applet and have downloaded a free FTP utility name Filezilla. I use it myself. It's easy to use and is much faster than the FTP Applet.

I do not recommend the on-line editors for working with the templates. The Visual editor in particular does some validation during saving, and often deletes some important parts of the design. It's caused many problems in the past. This is a know issue, but I don't think that Bravenet will ever bother fixing.