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Attention Corwings RE Greeting Card/Tally Counter

Attention Corwings

You said..This message has been plastered all over the internet. I don't think it is likely the author is going to return to all of them.
Well your DEAD wrong

I wish you would but out and mind your own business..from your negative comment/s that you decided to add has prevented me of helping this young dare you say i Plastered this all over the internet..your need to get a life...

Now if anyone can help me with a tally counter of some sort please let me know as i am coming back to all the forums to find a answer or a name of some sort of counter i can use

i will come back because i need to know the answer for this young mans if you or anyone else knows how i can add like a tally counter so his mom can type the number of cards he recieves to reach his goal then please tell me..Thank You..Heart of Hush

Corwings dont reply unless you can really help me with this tally counter or whatever the darn thing is called...
Thank you..and have a wonderful day....

Re: Attention Corwings RE Greeting Card/Tally Counter

I understand that to you other peoples time is utterly useless, unless it is used to serve your purposes. Why should you care, they are other people?

However, strange as it seems, even people whose lives are so empty that they spend time helping others in forums, sometimes may feel that their time is worth something to them.

By posting the same message on at least 4 forums, you are inviting people to waste their time working on a problem that may have already been answered on the next forum.

Warning people that you are one of those who are selfishly willing to waste other peoples time is a public service.

Re: Attention Corwings RE Greeting Card/Tally Counter

corwings you are so wrong again....and leave my messages alone will you....I do many things for people and dont even give it a second butt out once again and that is your foolish opinion that i am selfish and i would look at yourself before you judge others on who is selfish and who is not.

you said ...I understand that to you other peoples time is utterly useless,
Corwings i did not say that nor do i think that ,,so dont put words in my mouth..this is incorrect asumptions by you

you said...unless it is used to serve your dont even know me so dont go there

you said..Why should you care, they are other people?

no they are not other just people..they are just like me asking a question for help
but you seem to lack the human kindness and heart to keep out of my messages so please mind your own business

However, strange as it seems, even people whose lives are so empty that they spend time helping others in forums, sometimes may feel that their time is worth something to them.

By posting the same message on at least 4 forums, you are inviting people to waste their time working on a problem that may have already been answered on the next forum.

again mind your own business GET A LIFE

Warning people that you are one of those who are selfishly willing to waste other peoples time is a public service.
and again you have no right to pre judge me and i AM NOT SELFISH LIKE SOMEONE NOW AM I...

Corwings you are a bad feed ..i truly feel so sorry for you
read this and now leave my messages got that

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil.(Bad feed/thoughts)
It is anger, envy, jealousy,sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good.
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Re: Attention Corwings RE Greeting Card/Tally Counter

On most forums, if you cross posted like you did Heart, you would of been deleted...

Re: Attention Corwings RE Greeting Card/Tally Counter

cool down!!