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"Rolling over" music

Hello, I am looking for a code that you can use for something that I belive is called "roll over music". In other words what happens is that when you click into a site and music is playing you will hear it, but also when you click into another section of the website (From home page to the pictures page) it will still continue playing the same music without starting over. Does anyone know that code? Thanks for you time

Re: "Rolling over" music

The only way I can think of to do this is, to create a frameset, and place your embedded player inside a frame that will stay open the whole time. You can create virtually invisible framesets by seting the width and height of one frame to 1, and no one will actually see the frame. Something like the following:

Your Web Site Title

Be careful that any off site links on your site include a target="_top" attribute, or your visitors will be trapped in your frame with your music. Personally, I never let any of my computers make a noise.

If you are trying to do this on a free web site, forget it. Free web sites do not support frames. All you will likely just get is a blank screen and no music.

Re: "Rolling over" music

As I understand it, frames may screw up search engines, and thus be ignored by them.

Re: "Rolling over" music

That's usually because most frames users wastes the tag on a dumb message that tells the user his browser doesn't support frames. Chances are good, they already know that. All this does is send the visitor away. If you instead used something like the following, a search engine, and your visitor, would have no problem navigating your site.<br /> <br /> <TT><html><br /> <head><br /> <title>SuperWidget XYZ from XYZ</title><br /> </head><br /> <frameset cols="30%,70%"><br /> <frame src="navbar.html" frame="left"><br /> <frame src="page1.html" frame="right"><br /> </frameset><br /> <noframes><br /> Welcome to XYZ, home of the new and improved SuperWidget XYZ. We<br /> have the best widgets available anywhere today, and at half the price<br /> of most leading widgets!<br /> <br /> <a href="page1.html" frame="right">Page 1</a><br /> <a href="page2.html" frame="right">Page 2</a><br /> <a href="page3.html" frame="right">Page 3</a><br /> <br />

Of course, with large sites this can get messy, but a link to a non-frames base site map would accomplish the same thing. Site maps should always be used to give visitors a overview your site content and make it easy for search engines to index your site.