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To Lunex - RE:Email form with redirect

I posting this separately because the form you included is not allowing responses to your posting. To avoid this in the future, simply supply a URL to a test page with your problem code. It's much easier for all of us.

Yes, the redirect is the latest nifty tip from Bravenet. However, they failed to mention the fact that, you, and most of your visitors, will probably not be able to send anything. The redirect will work, but that's about it. If everything was working correctly, you should have received the email in seconds. Your email may eventually get back to you, but it may be in a "Unable not deliver" message in a couple of days, or you may never see it again.

Using a "mailto" reference requires the user, which is you or your visitor, to have a fully configured email client on their PC. You have a hotmail address. You send and receive email through a web browser interface. This means you probably have no email configuration on your PC. If words like Exchange Server, SMTP, IMAP, or POP3 don't ring a bell, then you probably don't have any configuration on your PC. I do have a fully configured mail client, and when I tested your form, I received the email before I could switch from my browser to my email.

A Email Forms service solves this problem. Replacing the "mailto" actions with a reference to a email form server, and adding a few hidden fields to identify you to the server, will get your email sent reliably from anyones PC. No need for a email client configuration. Take a look at Bravenet's free Email Form service. Slightly modified, you can use the form you already have. Redirect to a thank you page is easy to do and configurable within the service. The form mail service also formats the returned data better than you local email client would.

Another advantage of a Email Form service is that your email address does not have to be on your web site at all. This helps hide your address from the spambots and reduces the junk mail. But you don't have to use Bravnet. Any email form service will work on your site. There are lots of free ones out there. Some are better than others, and offer different advantages, but in the end, they all do the same thing.