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Background out of place

On my links page at one time the lite blue background was centered and the left margin was visible. I added some information to my page and messed up the page layout. Now the lite blue background has slid over to the left and needs to be reduced in width so the left margin of items can be full seen. Has anyone had this happen? Help. Any suggestions?

Re: Background out of place

ok mat you cant change your back ground your gonna have to make a new website

Re: Background out of place


You problem really has nothing to do with the background. You problem is because you are using the Website Wizard and your content in the center section is too wide. The Wizard generated CSS file sets the width of the whole page at 760 pixels and then forces a 220 pixel margin on the left side of the main content area. But then in that content area you have several tables that are defined in excess of 500 pixels wide. Then take into account padding and spacing, and the numbers just don't add up.

Initially, you might want to copy everything in that content area to a file, erase the content, and then add it back, table by table. Reduce the widths of the tables, to the absolute minimum required for the content. You will need to keep careful watch over the tables inner content definitions, which can override the initial table definitions.