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Can I align my table to specific co-ordinates (not just center, left or right)?

Im having a real problem trying to figure out how to align my table to specific co-ordinates on my page, if I can at all.
Could someone please tell me if it is possible to do this and how?

Re: Can I align my table to specific co-ordinates (not just center, left or right)?

Well, yes, there are ways of doing that, though I don't use them myself. First of all: Have you thought this through? If the alignment of your table is "center", then it will always be at the center of my window, whatever I'm using. If you use specific coordinates, it may be center, left or right, depending on my resolution and the size of my browser window.

Re: Can I align my table to specific co-ordinates (not just center, left or right)?

Please e-mail me directly and I will explain how to place tables and other elements to specific location on your web page. This forum will not allow me to insert example code

Browser: joed4cdm

Re: Can I align my table to specific co-ordinates (not just center, left or right)?

Yes, a table, picture, link, form, or text article can be positioned virtually anywhere you wish on a page using the "precise positioning" capability of the DIV command.

Here are a couple of examples of how this is done, both relating to a midi song list on my site, but handled in two different ways, the first being with the list in a popup and only the link to the list in the DIV, and the second being with the table residing in the DIV object and placed on the page rather than in a popup.

Note that I am using {} braces instead of arrow keys in order to get around the translation as HTML problem of the forum board .. other than that, the code is accurate for the purposes provided.

Example 1: Precise Positioning used to locate link to midi list

In this example, you will see that the {center}{/center} command is still used, but only to set the text to the center of the 125px x 30 px text area; this is actually redundant, as I could have just as easily made "left:633" say "left:638" instead and not specified the size of the textbox.

{div style="position:absolute;left:633;top:60;width:125;height:30;"}
{a href="home.htm#midis" ="open('./midilist.htm','popup','width=500,height=460');"}{b}View Midi List{/b}{/a}

Example 2: Same list, but on page instead of in popup

{div style="position:absolute;left:633;top:65;width:125;height:350;"}
{table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="125" height="350"}

(single row of table elements here, one for each title)


Remember, I have substituted braces for arrows, so if you copy the code, you will have to change those in your editor.

Email me if I can help with anything else!

Browser: Yahoo - cayces_shadow