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What does BODY tags on my pages mean....plz help....i'll xplain more inside!

It said this in my e-mail about the Traffic Exchange option I signed up for, for free but I don't know what BODY Tags of your pahes mean? Plz tell me! Thx!

Step 1: Copy the following code into all of your webpages.
Place it anywhere between the BODY tags of your pages.

I'm puzzled!

Browser: ,3

Re: What does BODY tags on my pages mean....plz help....i'll xplain more inside!

Body tags are the arrows >< that open and close a html script command.........
Im going to post a example using () because if I use arrows in this page, it wont work

(a href="") (/A)

But instead of () you use arrows.........

another example.........
(font face="lucida handwriting)


(font color="red")
then you have basic commands like (center)

To end a command you use the / sign........

example (/a) to end a href
(/font) to end font size)
etc etc etc ...........
youll figure it out. its quite easy really.


Goliath T Immortal

Browser: G0liathImmortal,4

Ignore message above

A webpage has two sections.

The head section (starting with and ending with ) contains information that is not part of the webpage as seen in the browser. The title (which appears at the top of your browser window) is one example.

And the BODY section, which starts with
and ends with

Between that there are any number of tags, but they are not body tags.

The body tag marks the beginning of the page as such, and can also contain information like background color, background image, colors for various types of text.