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Cathi's Place Message Forum

Hello and welcome to the Message Forum! Here's your chance to post messages to me and to other visitors about whatever your little heart desires. Of course I like to talk about all things to do with writing, painting, Canadian, children, being a parent, being alive, children with special needs (especially with Asperger's, PDD, hyperlexia), astrology, spirituality, Myers-Briggs personality profiles, ah - what the heck, anything!

Cathi's Place Message Forum
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Re: Re: Hello, is there anybody out there?

Why thank you!

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There are many of us out here.

Your writing reveals a compassionate heart.

Benedictus qui venit

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Knock if you can hear there any one at home?........

Okay, that's enough of that song.

Just a quick word to say my website is now an official one, complete with a .ca address, and it has moved to Tripod. Check it out, I'll be doing a lot of good stuff on it!