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Hello from Spokane Washington

Hi name is Marcy. I live in washington state. I was a caregiver at a nursing home until I had an accident that damaged my siatic nerve; which happened a year ago.It caused me to have what they call "foot drop". I learned alot about love working with the elderly everyday. Some of them never get visiters. Its a joyful thing to go to work everyday and know that your job is really "to love"!! I miss it very much. But I do believe you can love people anywhere you doesnt have to be a nursing home.
I have been what I call spiritual all my life but, its been just recently that I really found out what it is really all about...and I owe that to God, and Christopher. My real journey has just begun. I thank Christopher for putting this message board on his site. I have had so much help from my brothers and sisters through this...its just wonderful
Love and light to everyone and God bless...................................marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

I knew we somehow had a connection! I took care of my grandma for over 20 years and part of that time she was in a nursing home and I became friends and an advocate for some of the others that were there.. You are so right, some never get visitors or anyone to watch over them to be sure that they are properly cared for..There is so much love that they share that being there to help them actually gives us more than we could ever imagine..I also have some medical issues.. Well I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had to have quite a few surgeries but do pretty well for a person with RA..I will ask my angels to send healing to you.. I know how painful that can be because I have a disk that slips out and hits mine sometimes.. As always I send my love to my new angel friend!

CindyP xo

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

CindyP; I felt a connection too the first time we started writing back and forth!!! Please keep posting your stories---I love reading them!! You are right about people in nursing homes having so much love to give and that is the reward. I mean when you think about it; these older people have lost more than we could, spouses; homes; alot of their precious belongings. By the time they enter the nursing home, they have been stripped of so much in their lives. But they still have love to give!! And they all want to be loved. It was amazing to me to see how many caregivers did their jobs generically. I mean, they were so distant and routine with the elderly. I remember when I first started at the nursing home; one of the workers told me- "you need to just do your job and stay detached Marcy, or you are gonna get hurt when they pass!" I remember telling her (because this is how I honestly feel) "I cant do that! I am here to love these people. And part of love is knowing the grief as well as the joy...if you truely want to experience loving them you have to feel it all!!" She just looked at me like I was nuts!! Oh well. Sorry Cindy here I go rambling again!!! I am sure you have seen the same kind of thing. I will continue to pray for you my and light, marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Marcy, sorry, been a while since I posted.. Love is what it is all about..The gifts we receive from loving others are so much greater than the sorrow..Children, the elderly and animals are my
They are all so full of love and as I get to know them and do my best to be there, they have taught me so much more than any job I have ever had.. Money comes and money goes but love.....What can I say..We have to work at times in our lives and we certainly can get gratification from our work but in the end it is all about the love we share..
I have never heard a dying person talk about what they needed to do on their job but they talk about the love in their hearts.. I have watched lots of people go to the other side and felt blessed to be there holding their hand in that last moment..Girl, you are an angel and I send you love always!

xo CindyP


Hi my name is angie i met a new friend who told me about this site.What a blessing she is, her name is marcy,never thought in a million years i would find a lovely friend like her ,also across the other side of the world to me.It seems crazy but true,love ya marcy anyway what brought us to be friends and to this site of christophers is i to have lost a love one my husband of 32 years.I have always beleaved life after death so did my husband his grandmother who passed many years ago used to read tea leaves as funny as it sounds its true.And now iam faced with my own journey and iam not the same person i look at life so diferent now .I worked really hard to have nice things but at the end of the day thats not every thing.Its the love you have inside your soul and your heart that counts.We come into the world being loved and thats the way we leave it.We can not take materials things with us only the love which i showed my husband right to the end.Me and my two daughters gave up our jobs when my husband got sick to nurse him at home,and thats where he passed away in my arms with his two daughters holding his hands.I no not a lot of people could do this.But we were strong enough and a very close family.So now iam on my own journey and iam meeting some very nice people along the way and iam very thankfull.Its a long road but i no i will get there.I also do beleave when its my turn to go home i know my soul mate will be there waiting for me.And to you christopher you are a very kind lovely soul you need to show them here in australia.And to you marcy thank you for being my friend.god bless angie xxoo



Thank you for posting your story here. You are truly a kindred soul with so much love in your heart and around your Spirit!

God bless,

xx Christopher


My Dear Friend Angie:
I am so glad you found Christophers site and his message board. I have met a few friends on here is named Cindy. She has been a great friend and help to me. There are so many beautiful like-minded people out there and we can all help each other in our journeys. Although we are never really alone; our guides and angels are always with us-- it sure helps to have friends who can relate to what we are experiencing along the way.
I have also learned so much from Christophers radio shows...that has helped me understand things I never even thought about before. Even though it doesnt take away the pain of losing our loved ones-- it is acomfort and a help to understand and really grasp the big picture and know that they are still around us and love us very much. It helped to bring me out of such deep dispair...I cant even begin to tell you!!
Thank you for such kind words but I feel I am the one who is blessed to have found you my friend! You have such a giving, beautiful heart Angie; you have helped me so much and will continue to help others through your stories who might be experiencing the same kind of loss!!!
I am so thankful to God for bringing us together my friend. You are such a wonderful blessing to my life!!!
So much love, Marcy


So nice to meet you! It is great to have a new friend here and any friend of Marcy's is certainly a friend of mine!!
She has been such a blessing and I love her dearly <3
She is right, if you have some time you should listen to some of Christopher's shows.. He has so much love to share and it shines through..
I am so so sorry about your losses but I know that they are around you, watching over you..
I can feel the love in your words and thoughts you have written.. Thanks so much for sharing and hope to see you here often!
Lots of love to you! xoxo



Hi cindy thank you for your kind words,and nice to meet you to.Its been a long hard journey for myself and two daughters but we are moving forward.And along the way meeting some lovely people.thank you once again and god bless you angie.xxoo

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Marcy, U have a lot to say..Its great!!! I love to learn from others!!!! You are so darn fun to read!!


Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: thank you for such sweet words!! I am glad to know that someone is enjoying reading the things I posted...that is why I started posting in the first place because at first it was hard for me to open up. But if it helps one person it is so worth it!! I love reading what everyone else writes too. It helps me to learn and there are so many wonderful people here. Its so nice to meet you and hope to hear more from you Andrea just incase you have any stories or just anything..Go bless you and thank you again...Your friend.......................Marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

I can relate to much of what you post..

I wish I could have came to this site and listened to Christopher and others with his same knowledge years ago..
I may have avoided creating some of my own grief....

What a great story teller..

Great to meet you too....


Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: I would love to hear what you went through, if you wouldnt mind sharing...but if not--thats ok too!! Maybe someone here went through the same thing? I was glad to hear from you again...but if you can relate to much of what i was probably have had a loss of your own? Anyway...hope to hear about you!! Much love and light....marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Hi Marcy, I updated some of what i have gone through somewhere else on the message board lol I am not sure where it went...
I am so sorry for your loss..I can not believe you have come so far in such a short time.
My father had a long sad painful disease... he was homeless for about 10 years, I was unable to help him at the time... the last 3 years he was near me and I was too scared and too weak to help him the way I should have... He died the day after Christmas..I have so many sad memories and a lot of guilt I am working through....
since the day he died I have been going inside myself to find a way to breathe...I move forward with my daily life and try to love the ones close to me...Yet on the inside I am in the middle of a journey and all the battles that go along with it.....
My first memories were worrying about my dad, I felt i should protect him he felt he should protect me..neither of us did though....I use to look at him and think he is going to die young..I feared it...I feared he would die alone... He did...
I am brought to tears writing this..I am so sad for your loss..Marcy I am amazed by your strength.. Writing must comfort you..your words are beautiful...

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so sorry for your loss of your dad!! It is always harder when its around a holiday; as was with my Alisa also.
I know there is a lot of guilt associated with friends and relatives that wind up on the streets..even when there is nothing you can do. I dont know all of the circumstances with your I dont know quite what to say except Im sorry.
I too have a relative who lives on the streets. He is my nephew. He is an alcoholic and a drug addict (which I feel are also diseases). Although I feel very badly that he is on the streets, other than prayer..I dont think much can be done to help him. My sister has taken him in three times to try to help him. He lies and steals to get more drugs. He is so out of it most of the time, he breaks things by falling into them. He picks fights at the drop of a hat for no reason. He refuses to take the help to better his life. He just wont stop the drugs or alcohol and Im afraid one day he will just be found dead. I would do anything to help him if only he would respond to that help but so far he doesnt. Drugs and alcohol are his god. I wish could just shake him but it doesnt do any good.
There are many people on the streets for many different reasons. Some of them are so heartbreaking. But some of them want that lifestyle....those are the ones that are hard to help.
I hope you find peace in your self with your situation Andrea...I will be praying for you!! Sending love and a hug!! Marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Thank You Marcy again... My father had PSP a form of parkinsons... He was sort of a traveling man anyway so when he started to feel ill he was unable to provide for himself and liked being alone.. no one believed he was actually sick they all thought he was drunk or just crazy...I pushed to find out what was wrong with him because he looked in my eyes and I saw that he was still in there,to the rest of the world he looked drunk and lost..
I tried to be strong but failed miserably...the last time i saw him i just sat next to him crying..its all i could do.. I reverted back to a 5 year old when I was with him..
the past few years he would fall and hit his head, couldn't speak clearly,and could barely even see us..It was a nightmare... he fell in the middle of the desert in his wheelchair and was stuck for 12 hours until someone found him... my heart broke over and over and over ..The night he passed I prayed for him to go... it happened 2 hours later before i could get to him...UGH Guilt..
Your in Spokane?? I use to live in Postfalls..LOVE it there!!

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: OMG!!! I am so sorry. I can feel your pain as you speak of your dad. It sounds like you did exactly the right thing in praying for him to go and I will just bet..its the greatest gift you ever gave him; as his quality of life was so poor!! Have you ever had a reading? I would just bet your dad has a lot of loving thankful words for sounds like you truely loved him and cared!!
Your dad is just the type of person I meant when I said some people are on the streets because of circumstances they cant controll and that is sad. I understand parkinsons disease well, one of my aunts passed from it. It is a sad debilitating disease.
My love and prayers to you..(((HUGS))) marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Well an interesting thing happened to me here!!! I am reading back what I wrote and realized I was more honest with what happened and how I felt than I have been since the day my father passed.... I am not sure what was lifted from me or how that happened... Anyway it feels like a good thing...
Marcy, I appreciate your honesty too.... Hugs to you and your family!

Thank You Marcy...

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: Im glad something was lifted from you..maybe sometimes we just need to get out what we feel and talk about it with someone who understands? I know it helped me to do that here, and I got help and answers and learned from other people who responded to me. After all, we are all in Gods family and we all need to love, care for and nurture each other at times. It is all about loving each other! So glad you posted and so happy I have met you and have a new friend!! You will be in my prayers. Love and hugs.........marcy

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Marcy, it looks like your name and mine will now be all over this message board... :-)

Hugs to you new friend..

Re: Hello from Spokane Washington

Andrea: GOOD!!!! I like company!!! love, marcy