Christopher Reburn's Message Board


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Blessings to All

I have been blessed with the gifts of Healing and Spiritual Intuition. Being a Spiritual Intuitive has given me the opportunity to meet so many beautiful beings both in the spirit world and on this earthly plane.

I had received an e-mail from a friend several years ago and Christopher happened to be on her mailing list. Since speaking with Christopher my life has changed so much. My Faith has grown stronger and my gifts have grown 1000 fold. I feel so honored to know Christopher and with this radio show I have been able to chat with those who are on their spiritual journey. Each time I come on I learn so much from all of you. Thank you all for being so open and compassionate and may your Guides and Angels bring you closer to the Ones we all are.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Re: Blessings to All

Hi Teri,

Nice to meet u. I'm Judy. I was curious to know what is Spiritual Intuition? And, does everyone have this ability?

Thanks for your input.


Re: Blessings to All

I call myself a Spiritual Intuitive as Spirit works through me to assist others on their Spiritual Journey. Often times awakening areas they did not know existed. As to whether others have this gift, absolutely that is the beauty of becoming more in touch with your "True Nature ie Self"

I was blessed with this knowledge from a very early age, often times being confused as I was unaware others felt and saw things as I did; however, I nurtured these gifts through prayer and meditation as I was guided by my loving Angels and Guides. Although this was my Truth, it is not often the case with others. As children we see the universe and our world in shades of vibrant hews if you will; however, as we mature without realizing it we separate ourselves from the Ones and our Truth. When it is time to move forward on our spiritual journey, there is such a profound longing, feelings so strong as if a part of us were missing, which it is. Although we do not know until we are introduced to something or someone that awakens in a us are true essence. Once we can "name it" if you will, it is just a matter of time, patience, understanding, faith, hope and meditation that brings us all to a place of Spirit. As Spirit lives within us all, the intuition you seek is also within you.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Re: Blessings to All


nice to meet you. my name is Vivian So. I am trying awaken my gifts. Hope to get to know you more and more grow like you to multifold in growth in psychic and connection with God.