Christopher Reburn's Message Board


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'Conversations with Christopher' Radio Show
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"Exploring Your Spiritual Journey" show!!!

Christopher....thank you so much for an amazing (should say another amazing) show. I missed it and had to listen to the archives but it was a much needed show for me!
I was extremely thankful that you had us all take a moment of prayer and silence for the Anthony family and for little Caylee! I have been doing this for a while on my own now because the whole thing has made me so sad. You are the first person I have seen do this for that family and I appreciate that so much!
I always get so much help from your shows! For me; only being on my journey "awake so to speak" for a year and a half; I still find myself always comparing myself to others that I hold in high esteem. It seems like everywhere you look there are cliques and sometimes its hard to feel like you fit in. Im always feeling like what i have to share or say isnt important or that no one really pays attention....sometimes to the point of not wanting to say anything anymore. But my guides and angels always tell me "do it anyway" I press on...trying to spread love. So your words today were perfect for me!
When I look back to where I was a year and a half ago, im amazed at how far i have come and thank you for helping me along the way and setting me on my path. Your teachings have had so much to do with my growth! I know I still have a long way to go; but I am a different person today because God led me to your website and radio show and you! I just thank you so much my dear friend! You are a true blessing!!!!

Re: "Exploring Your Spiritual Journey" show!!!

Dear Marcy,

Thank you for the beautiful and heartfelt note about our recent show. You read my mind, in fact I was beginning to miss hearing what everyone thought about the shows on my message board, and voila! I log on and you've created a new thread!! Way to go sister friend!!

Love and hugs xxx
