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'Conversations with Christopher' Radio Show
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When is the next show??? what am I missing here?

Re: Hmm?

Hi Andrea!!! The next show is on Friday Jan. 28th. Its on Focus on our innr strengths and courage. Christopher just came back this week from retreat. Love and hugs!!! Marcy

Re: Hmm?

well should be good..ill be there... hugs

Re: Hmm?

i know i whine abt repeated shows but im so glad the first show of the year (which i just listened) is about courage and strength.

for what ever reason - i've been alittle more depressed since 2 weeks ago

and its after listening to the show that it reminded me to think positive and be grateful for the positive things in life. and to live for the present and not dwell on the past.

thank you chris - i promise not to whine so much abt repeated materials.

to marcy and andrea - im still recovering from my trip - still very sick but will write soon

*cough* *cough*

Re: Hmm?

Sonshine...Im glad you choose not to whine about the the takes a big person to admit they are wrong about something! Im also sad to hear you have been sad for the last few weeks..sometime its just plain hard to stay in the "now"...if we could manage to just be in the now more it seems we would stay a lot more posative about things...but I think we all tend to look back on things that have hurt us. I try to stop myself when I feel myself getting down or nagative about things and stop and say a prayer and thank God for the blessings that have been given to me. That helps! And sometimes when i start to think negative thought I just tell myself to KNOCK IT OFF !! LOL!!!
So sorry to hear you have been sick Sonshine...I always pray for you helps to know whats going on then I know more how to direct my prayers! Have missed you..but hope you had a good trip!!! Love and hugs!!! marcy