Christopher Reburn's Message Board


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Astral Prjection

I recently found your podcast and have started listening to all of them starting from the beginning. The most recent podcast that I listened to was "Astral Projection", way back in 2008.

I have been consciously leaving my body for many years. When I leave my body, I instantly feel light and free. Being in my body is like wearing a wetsuit that is way too small. When I astral project I am euphoric and sometimes do not want to enter back into my physical body. Is it possible to stay outside of my physical body and if I decide to do that what happens to my body?

Re: Astral Prjection

Dear Tessa,

Thanks so much for listening to 'Conversations with Christopher'. So great to meet you!!

I understand your question, and it would be great if we could spend all of our time out of body, but unfortunately (and sometimes fortunately) we need to life valuable life lessons and experiences while in our physical body that we could not learn and grow from if we spent all our time out of body.

I'm going to do another show on Astral Projection this summer!

Thanks for listening!

:) Christopher