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Readings and Teachings!

To begin with...I was so very lost and so sad. I lost my darling daughter last December; which threw me into a world of such dark dispair. I never hurt so bad in my life!!! My religious background taught me that spirits and psychics were of the devil and I would go to hell if I got caught up in stuff like that. When I lost other family members a few years back I started watching John Edwards tv show. I believed then that mediums could have communication with people who have crossed over( I cant bring myself to say 'died' because to me they really arent dead). But I didnt realize that common ordinary people could or could get signs from their loved ones. It just never entered my head-- UNTIL my daughter crossed over. I could not and would not accept that "that is all there is till I pass". It was too painful to think I would never hear from her, or feel her, or see her until then. So I began my find out everything I could about the afterlife. I cant even tell you how many sights I looked up and read and read and read!!!
I even had a reading done three weeks after she crossed by a very nice man who I believe really wants to help people. He wasnt well known but I listened to a few of his shows on the internet and I liked him and could tell he was sincere. I wanted to know how she passed. He sent me a very long reading and most of it I believe was truth; except how she passed, which as a mom I NEEDED to know. I never could verify what he said and it went against what the autopsy report said. I DO NOT believe he was phony, I just think he interpreted 'that part' the wrong way. But the main question was still bothering me. Meanwhile, I was still looking up sites and trying to figure things out.
Somehow, and I really dont know how..all I can say is "Spirit"....I ended up on Christophers website. I started listening to his archived shows one after another after another. And my life started to change! I started learning so much more than I ever expected and I started putting into practice some of the things he was teaching because it just made so much sence to me. And when I did that I started to feel differently!!! I could feel myself being lifted out of the "ZOMBIE-LIKE-EXISTANCE" that I was experiencing since her passing; and I started to get excited about my new journey. I still missed her, and still have bad days...but NOTHING like I felt before!! Since I found Christophers website; I no-longer have to search others. I still look up websites of people he has on his show. But I am totlly spiritually satisfied with his treachings!!
After listening to a few of his shows I got a "one question" reading from him. The same question, I asked the other psychic. Christopher was amazing with his information, bringing up names he couldnt know, and giving me a peace about how she died; with so much care and love...I was blown away!! So a month or so later I got a full email reading from him. Once again, I was amazed at the information. He has helped me so much..I dont have the words to do him justice. I listen to all of his live shows now...I look so foreward to them. They help me so much. I am experiencing wonderful things I never would have experienced had I not been led to Christopher. I just cant thank him enough and I thank God for Christopher and pray for him every single night and day (and his grandma and shiner too!!!} He is truely gifted!!!! love and light to all,

Re: Readings and Teachings!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Marcy. I'm so blessed that you have come into my life!

With Love & Gratitude always,

xx Christopher

Re: Readings and Teachings!

Marcy, what a wonderful post! Seems that spirit sent you just what you needed!! Christopher is so full of love, what better place for you to land!!
I have to tell you that I have been drawn to your postings and they are always the first that I come to when I get here.. You have such an amazing spirit and I can feel the emotion and love in your writings..
I pray for you every night as I do so many but you are one special lady !!
Blessings and love to you my friend!

CindyP xo

Re: Readings and Teachings!

Thank you Marcy for sharing your story with us all. I am sure that your words will help others who are in a similar situation and you are very brave to be so open. There is so much to learn through Christopher's archived shows and it is wonderful that you were led to this website and to Christopher's radio shows. I am happy for you that you got answers to the questions that you were asking and that you are on the path of learning. There is much to learn in this life and we are all students of the Divine.

Christopher is a blessing to us all and he deserves all the positive feedback that we can give him. He is truly blessed with his gift from Spirit and he gives of himself so unselfishly and with a pure heart. Love and Light, Hazel

Re: Readings and Teachings!

Thank you so much for such kind words and for replying to my post. You are absolutely right about Christopher being so unselfish and purehearted in what he does. That is what caught my attention to begin with. It comes through in all of his shows. His teachings are so wonderful' but; if he hadnt been the person he is...I would have kept looking up other sights. And I can honestly say that because when I first started listening...I had only been without my daughter for a few months and I was still so buried in grieving and loss, I wasnt grasping alot of it. I guess you could say my attention span was 'just a bit tainted'. But His patient, caring, pure-hearted spirit is what drew me in. And the more I listened, the more 'enlightened' I felt., until I found myself in a place where I was able to focus and grasp it all.But again, if he hadnt been who he is..I would probably still be searching! I have never encountered anyone quite like Christopher!
I really hope you are right, and I do hope my story can help people. Its very important to me in life to be able to help and love people. thank you again...............................marcy

Re: Readings and Teachings!

CindyP; Ohhh!! Thank you for such sweet words Cindy, and thank you for replying to my post. I am glad you have been drawn to them and 'feel' what I am saying., because I am kind of full of a lot of emotions at this time in my life, and just the way you expressed yourself let me know that you read it with the exact feeling that was sent in it. Thank you for that!!! That tells me you are very kind-hearted and special yourself!!!
I hesitated at first writing anything and opening up my life because I didnt want people to think that I wanted a "Pity-Party" or anything because I lost my daughter. BUT the only way to let people really know what Christopher did for me was to let them know where I was at, when I found his web sight. I hope it will help someone else someday who is suffering from loss.
I am so happy to hear that you are praying for me..I need all the prayers I can get, and I appreciate it so much! I will pray for you too. Thank you again!! love, light, and God Bless you!

Re: Readings and Teachings!

<3 <3 <3 Marcy, I am always here to listen..Sending you lots of love my friend!