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My Aunt and I stumbled on to a website describing traits of people associated to their astrological signs..I noticed that most of the signs I read about were pretty much accurate to the people I know.. I am not surprised..I know a Cancer type person within seconds of meeting them...same with Gemini (god help me)....
Well here is my question..
How can I be sooo far off from what is described as a leo personality?? I have very few Leo traits VERY few!!! How can astrology seem like such an accurate "science" yet so far off...
Does this mean I am untrue to my true self..somehow changed by "life situations"
a few years ago I had a man say "hello" to me..I said "hello" back and he said "you are such a Leo" HMMM I also think that the fact that I post so much on here is Leo like..BUT THAT IS IT!!! the rest is just WRONG :-)

My question rephrased..More general..

How can a person be so far off from what is described under their Astrological sign??

Re: Horoscope..

I do think horoscope has a place and plays a part in the whole spiritual world.

My take is that - In life there will be many Ups and Downs, some days because of how the planets align and stuff, it can slightly influence the outcome of that particular day

From what I understand which is not much - In the asian customs, they have this 'book' that is written up many many years ago by someone and is solely based on a collections of information of the traits and characteristics - and people who are gifted can be trained to interpret the book based on your date of birth and also birth time.

Most of the time, the character that they describe from the book is very accurate - there are even programs written up and all you have to do is type in your birthday etc

I think Chris does not use any numerology or horoscope in his readings as he speaks directly to the guides

Re: Horoscope..

Andrea: My husband is a leo also..but there are two different types of is a more silent type. That is the type my husband is. He has most of the leo traits although he is not extravagant with money or gifts, and he is a humble person but loves to be the center of attention..but you would never know it. He doesnt like to humiliated in any for or the fiery lion comes out in him. But he is loving and protective or his long as he is sitting on his throne. waht type of leo are you"
I read a book called "sun signs" a long time ago and it seemed to describe the different traits of the zodiac to a tea from the people I knew anyway. I do believe there is a lot to astrology and many gifted people out there in regards to it..i am not one of them!!!! but it is interesting. marcy

Re: Horoscope..

Sonshine: I agree totally with this----- your quote: "My take is that - In life there will be many Ups and Downs, some days because of how the planets align and stuff, it can slightly influence the outcome of that particular day" But I also believe we can change things somewhat by meditation and prayer...infact we can change things a lot!! hugs! marcy

Re: Horoscope..

marcy..I think I am your husbands type of
I am more of a skiddish awkward type of lion..I guess...
I read my husbands sign to him and there were SO many moments we laughed at how accurate it was..Mine..not so much...It just made me wonder why... Sun signs by linda goodman was what I was reading.. very detailed... reading my husbands to him helped him..he felt connected... I felt like i was born in the wrong month lol..

Re: Horoscope..

Hey Ryan what is your sign?? If you dont mind sharing?

Re: Horoscope..

Im a CANCER!!!!

so tell me - whats a cancer like?

Re: Horoscope..

Andrea: Yes it was sun signs by Linda Goodman..I found it pretty accurate. marcy

Re: Horoscope..

Sonshine: Andrea knows cancer very well so i will let her answer that one....i dont remembr a lot of it..but my daughter Alisa was a cancer and she had the sweetest disposition of anyone Ive ever met. Cancers are very sensative I know that. hugs! marcy

Re: Horoscope..

Btw I knew you were cancer!! Ryan.... I have a huge connection with cancers.... I know them well on a personal level... I know them when I meet them...I like them...

I am not an astrologer but this is my take..bare with me.

My cancers are strong on the exterior..afraid to let people know that they are sensitive ..TOTALLY dedicated to a friendship/relationship and expect nothing but complete dedication from the other party involved..ONCE a cancer trust someone YOU ARE IN..I can do no wrong with my cancers...they know I have their best interest in mind..They worry about how people view them... sometimes to the point that they become a very strong version of themself..Example...
one is pretty so she makes her self THE is a stay at home mom so she makes her self JUNE CLEAVER!!! one is a teacher..SHE IS SUPER DEDICATED TEACHER WITH ALL THE COOL TECHNIQUES!! One was a drug addict now she is recovered SHE IS A HEALTH NUT!!! Extremes are what I get from my cancers. ..ALL of my cancers are BEAUTIFUL!!!! glowing BEAUTIFUL!!..They are the most beautiful people and I cherish them for their heart..their heart is more pure than anyone I know!!... I have had 6 VERY CLOSE BFF like cancers in my life... 2 I have lost because of their extremes...

Re: Horoscope..

Andrea :-)
Btw I knew you were cancer!! Ryan.... I have a huge connection with cancers.... I know them well on a personal level... I know them when I meet them...I like them...

My cancers are strong on the exterior..afraid to let people know that they are sensitive ..TOTALLY dedicated to a friendship/relationship and expect nothing but complete dedication from the other party involved..ONCE a cancer trust someone YOU ARE IN..I can do no wrong with my cancers...they know I have their best interest in mind..They worry about how people view them... sometimes to the point that they become a very strong version of themself..Example...
one is pretty so she makes her self THE is a stay at home mom so she makes her self JUNE CLEAVER!!! one is a teacher..SHE IS SUPER DEDICATED TEACHER WITH ALL THE COOL TECHNIQUES!! One was a drug addict now she is recovered SHE IS A HEALTH NUT!!! Extremes are what I get from my cancers. ..ALL of my cancers are BEAUTIFUL!!!! glowing BEAUTIFUL!!..They are the most beautiful people and I cherish them for their heart..their heart is more pure than anyone I know!!... I have had 6 VERY CLOSE BFF like cancers in my life... 2 I have lost because of their extremes...

Hey what made you think that I was a Cancer?

I gotta say - i fit that description to a T. Once involved I expect nothing less than total dedication from the other party (friends/gfs) as well. If they don't response with the same sort of enthuasim, I'll be upset.

also being extreme, I always strive to be the best at everything I do and I won;t stop till i think i finally made it or at least think I've learnt all i needed to learn. Take buying electronics for example, i could spent hours on ebay trying to find a deal, then i'll make sure i head down to every electronic store close to me to see who can give me the best price before purchasing - i don;t think im frugal but im anal haaaa...

i think i need to send you an email...

Re: Horoscope..

what i have noticed is..cancers are alike and yet so different..the stay at home mom doesn't relate to the one that has to be the prettiest.. because they are busy being the strongest them,they can be...I dont usually tell my cancers how similar they are LOL...

I knew you fit my cancer profile..truthfully:

the first post you made on this message was all heart..then you defended yourself when you thought you put yourself out there too much...But Ryan, Marcy and I liked you from the first post and still do.. your spiritual filter is foggy because of will clear up and we can all revel in your clarity!! keep talking!! keep sharing!! eventually you will have soooo many bricks to the head that you will feel clear again..

Re: Horoscope..

Andrea :-)

the first post you made on this message was all heart..then you defended yourself when you thought you put yourself out there too much...But Ryan, Marcy and I liked you from the first post and still do.. your spiritual filter is foggy because of will clear up and we can all revel in your clarity!! keep talking!! keep sharing!! eventually you will have soooo many bricks to the head that you will feel clear again..

*cries* what will i do without you guys!

you will know why its hard - cause cancers don;t like losing - it feels as if i failed! i love (one word i don;t use enough) you guys to pieces


Re: Horoscope..

cancers perceive failed relationships as personal failure.. You didnt fail..the relationship did...Now you are learning to have a relationship with your self.
Ryan you know Marcy and I cant tell you that you and your ex will get back know we will support you.... we totally have your back...
For this old lions sake can you just make sure you dont try to protect yourself too much!! That makes it hard on me.. lol its not all about me though so do what you need to...
Hugs to you Ryan!! I am so glad we met! you have helped me!!!