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Spiritual geographics!!!

I reaffirmed for myself today that I belong in a small town (spiritually).. I am a girl who likes to get lost in a daydream and trust my surroundings...Not a good idea in the CITY!!!

How about you?..Where do you feel the most spiritual? Do you feel its hard to feel spiritual in a specific setting??

These are the words I tie to peaceful feelings..
lakes~creeks~music~large trees~old building~clouds~no plans~Journal~family~laughter~SAFETY~~

Do you have words that describe what makes you feel peaceful.....

Watch OuT Pacific NorthWEST I hear the trees calling me AND ITS LOUD!!!

Re: Spiritual geographics!!!

Andrea: Well since I live in the pacific northwest thats good news to me!!! Im with you, I wouldnt wnt to live in a really big city. Spokane is big enough. and even here I stay in the valley most of the time.I feel most spiritual sitting and looking out over the deck in the backyard at all the trees and the birds. We have a few bird baths and many birds have made their homes in our trees. They even seem to stick around in the winter sometimes. The mountains surround us also so it feels private but we are in the valley and do have close neighbors. I love being here. The ocean would be nice to but its too far away. So I rely on the swirling of the water in an above ground pool in the summer sometimes with those floating candles in it.
Words that give me a peaceful feeling : soft music; especially Christmas music; glowing candles,, a fire in the fireplace, the snow falling down; clouds that roll by, chirping birds, my family, my friends, the stars and the moon, my two little dogs who lay at my feet all the time. Those are just a few.
Love and hugs!! marcy

Re: Spiritual geographics!!!

wow the place where you are as described sounds amazing!

so much has changed in such a small amount of time

things might have changed! but faith is one thing that stays stagnant through time and space

I have surrendered myself and accepted what is to come.

may there always be light wherever we go

Re: Spiritual geographics!!!

Sonshine: There will always be light wherever you go as long as you look for it..and dont leave it behind and forget about it. Im not sure I agree about faith being stagnant through time and space. My faith changes as I grow it grows with me...and I am in awe!!! love, marcy

Re: Spiritual geographics!!!

I agree light can be everywhere..I cant even believe how much my vocabulary has changed...
I do not LOVE where I am living but I find my comfort places and I go there often...
I also know where and when i need to vacation for my own well being...
Today was tough because I spent the entire day yesterday loving my environment.spending time on the top of a beautiful hill in sandiego at my aunts house..soo much peace!!! My daughter told me there are lots of "people" Spirits in my aunts house..she said she felt her head compressed and knew people were around.. She had no issue going to sleep so apparently they were comforting people...The home I was staying in gave me so much peace and so much freedom to FEEL... THEN i decided to get some christmas presents UGH it was a rat race..I soon realized the rat race can separate me quickly from FEELING..
Marcy, I love your description of your home..I can almost smell the air there..gosh I miss it there! alot..
I have memories of places that i never felt LIGHT..I always wonder if it was the place or it was my state of mind.....
Marcy next time you go outside take a huge deep breath and look around for me please!!!