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OK bad word

I am going to say this here because well its pretty safe around here and I have asked about this on the message board..

Ouija board...I know its bad..I get it now! I am actually afraid to get it out of my closet and throw it it talks to me too much...

I know why I believed so much in it..@ 12 i was convinced we lived among invisible people just going about their own lives..I thought the board bridged that gap..I did not know they were spirits.. I shared what I thought with my friends..until I realized it was not well received..doing the ouija board with me was well a party favor..It moved and said things no one else could have known..big things.
I am done with it now..I realize who it may attract..its not as innocent as I thought it was..I understand I may have been right that we are walking among INVISIBLE people..I just wasn't ready to understand it fully... I am learning..I wont bring it up probably helped that no one wanted to talk to me about it....I had to go back in my old journals to figure it out...

Re: OK bad word

Andrea: Im just glad you listened..its not that ouija boards dont give answers its where those answers are coming from and what else acan come in unwelcomed...I dont blame you for being scared of the thing. My girls had one once and I didnt like even touching it but I threw it out anyway!! Hugs! marcy

Re: OK bad word

lol I prob could have just private messaged you this..