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The Gift of Forgiveness

I kinda started this last week to basically keep track of the videos and inspirational quotes I found that are useful to me.

If you are gonna only watch one video watch this first then the 4 videos by John Bevere (which can be found by clicking on the link above)

theres music by Enya - Pax Deorum

Re: The Gift of Forgiveness

Ryan: Thank you for posting this and sharing it with us...Im gonna check it out ,,,,Hugs!! Marcy

Re: The Gift of Forgiveness

i found this at - Hmmm I must admit she has a different take on forgiveness which doesnt really 'click' with me

For me - there is no such thing as forgiveness. I know this sounds harsh and cruel, but my years in forensics and working with spirit all my life have forged my determination on this. You see, I believe that certain words mean nothing; I love you, I forgive you, forgive and forget, I will give it/you another try, we are soul mates so we need to make this work, isn’t life meant to be easy etc.

To me, the ACTION of love and forgiveness holds true and real meaning. This action is about making sure that you extend the GIFT of GRACE to both yourself and those involved in any situation that is distressing and painful - in any way. It is because of my belief in the Gift of Grace, rather than in forgiveness, that I argue with much of the psychological, spiritual, self help and personal development babble about our need to “forgive and forget” in order to move on or to understand your “contribution” in situations of which you were a random victim or in which you were too young, scared or abused in to have any say. It infuriates me that we wrap the words of forgiveness in rhetoric.

The Gift of Grace means you are able to;

* Accept that life and situations can happen to you without you knowing why - and that is ok. What is not ok is to continue to allow yourself to be victimised, plagiarised and dominated by this life experience.
* Know that you can forgive your part in anything you have deliberately caused - then take the action, or, inaction needed to ensure you do not repeat this, or your Gift of Grace is meaningless.
* Not forgive and forget those who have harmed you in the most serious of manner. Rather, accept that; it has happened, you ARE angry, you ARE entitled to be angry, furious and outraged and that you ARE still able to be gentle in the manner you treat yourself as this process occurs. Accept that you do NOT need to forgive in order to be kind to yourself and those around you. You WILL be kind because you are NOT the creator of hate, hurt and injustice and as such you can extend Grace in the form of Pity to those who do not understand this. And finally;
* Move forward without forgiving these people or situations because you know that you have love and capability IN you, AROUND you and that you ARE an extension of what you choose to deliver into this world.

I do believe that forgiveness allows abuse to continue, mainly because forgiveness often means the discharging of any personal liability and accountability with the process.

Conversely, I believe that the Gift of Grace allows shame to identify those responsible and deliver such an internal and soul level of accountability that you cannot outrun it should you be the perpetrator, and you can only grow with strength should you be the deliverer of this Gift of Grace.

As my beautiful friend Michael Jordan once said to me when I was outraged at a person and situation;

“There are two Laws Jules: Mans Law - the one we know we can outrun, out-chase, outsmart and blame on someone else etc. Then there is God’s Law - this one you cannot outrun, outsmart, blame or hide from, because this one is the one written on your soul for all to see. This is your legacy. Trust in God’s Laws - they are the only honest ones.”

My Highest Guide Elizabeth, whose messages and information I often relate via my readings, channelling sessions and in my courses, asked me to share this with you in the context of this topic:

* Remember to be kind to yourself, truly kind. Gentle as well.
* Remember to be honest about how you feel and to express this no matter how you feel you will be perceived.
* Remember the only way someone ever has power over you - once you are of an age and stage in your life - is what you surrender to them by your choices of holding onto anger, shame etc.
* Remember you are born with the breath of God to be what you can be.
* You are born whole, you are born perfect and you are born with purpose - let no person take this from you by the choices you make long after a situation has occurred.
* Rather, choose to be honest, angry even, yet choose to grow instead of shrink in the storm. Storms create rainbows.
* Go create your emotional rainbow.

God Bless my Friends.

Re: The Gift of Forgiveness

Ryan: I am sure that Julianne is a very spiritual and wonderful person. I believe some of what she has to say but not all. Personally I think she makes the subject of "forgiveness" too complicated when its not that complicated at all. It might not be easy sometimes to forgive but its just not that complicated. I dont believe forgiving some people makes you a victim all over can forgive and walk away.
Im just a big believer in keeping things simple so that others can understand it easily. When people go on and on and make it like some big philocephy; in my opinion they just like to hear themselves talk! When I run across people like that I only make it half way through their blogs and get bored! Which is what happened when I went and checked out her websight after you posted about her.
Just my opinion!!! Hugs! marcy

Re: The Gift of Forgiveness