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expectations of a thoughts again..

Shoot, I didnt realize what I was going to feel after a reading... At first I read it over and over like it was a new toy....
then I started to feel disappointment in myself for needing it..
Then I realized I did not NEED it.. I need to trust myself and If Christophers gift can help me trust in my own self a little more, Well then thats what I NEEDED..
To me now a reading is like someone who can speak for THE REAL YOU and is telling YOU what your true self needs to know..

I have a lot to learn...about me.... A Lot...

Oh and I get it now!! there are MANY people with his gift..just like a lawyer there are many of them out there...But finding one with good intentions and a healing approach makes the difference...
healers are alllll over the place.. moms- aunts neighbors- strangers-friends.. We get healed being with positive people..WOW I think we get healed by negative people too....

Now I am off to focus on others for the day..

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Andrea: Boy you hit the nail right on the head with this are learning so much!!! Christopher and others havealways said that if we could lean to trust what we already know inside of ourselves, we would never need a reading....because we already have all the answers we will ever need right within our own selves. I think its great you had a reading because it validated for you what you already knew but somehow just wasnt fully trusting...dont we all do that.The further along I go on my own journey the more I am learning to trust my own intuition about things...and it seems that Spirit always brings along someone in my life to validate what I am thinking and feeling is right,,,and it amazes me everytime it I say to myself "wow I really did know that"!!! It is quite exciting when it happens.
I too think healing comes in all forms from so many different people, and I agree even from negative people. Although I wish people werent negative sometimes I think we need to see that from people in our own lives to learn from it...and to feel the effect it can have on us so that we are not so willing to want to give out that kind of energy ourselves. Hope that makes sence?
Sending love marcy

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

I love loving certain negative people despite all their negativity... I have a few.. :-)
I hope my light is bright enough to be a beacon..Maybe it works~maybe it doesnt..

You my Dear Marcy are a beautifully bright beacon of light and I thank you for being a sounding board and a friend to me... I feel like I am on a giant roller coaster but hopefully it is a forward moving coaster....with lots of loops....

My lesson of this week is..My dad was with me despite distance in life..Why would his death change that....I think I was right when I prayed for him to pass so that he could be with me when I needed him.. instead of in his mess of a body..I knew what I was praying for I just needed to get over the guilt that I asked for it to happen...

Marcy thank you a million times over for our talks!! You make me smile...

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Marcy You came along right when I needed you..Thank You..

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Andrea: And you came along into my life right when I asked God to send me someone that I could share with and help with what God has helped me learn., because everything we go through and learn is not meant to be just stored inside of us but to pass on to help others.....and in doing that we are healed also. Plus we learn from each others experiences...I have learned a lot knowing you my good friend......I just feel so blessed that God has brought us together! It has definately enriched my life so much. Love..marcy

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Andrea: You are a beacon of light...just over the past few weeks I have seen such a change in you already! I am glad the guilt is lifting from you bacause you did the best thing anyone could do for your set him free from the physical and emotional pain he held in his sick body while on earth. Now he is free of all that pain and is in the loving arms of God and the angels...and still part of your life, still around you, watching over and protecting you and sometimes maybe guiding you. He now can be the dad he couldnt be on earth..through no fault of his own. And you gave that wonderful gift to him by praying he would pass and be released from the agony. I would bet he would view it as the most wonderful thing anyone ever did for him in his whole life!!!!
As far as negative people go (and we all have some in our lives)...just keep being that wonderful light for them to see and well I was told something once and this really stuck: "People who dont know God ...dont go to church and dont read the bible...they read us" And when they constantly see that loving light daily....sooner or later they want that light for themselves. are a beautiful, loving soul and you will affect many by being who you are! I love you!!

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Marcy, I read your reply last night,My nose got all tingly and tears came down my face without even knowing that I was crying..
I said this before but have to say it again..You have a beautiful way with words...
for a few years I hated my dads body and what it was doing to both of us... I knew when he died he would be the dad he wasnt able to be, You worded that so great! thats when I teared up :-) Its almost like I was being prepared to lose him but when it happened I did not have enough faith in the process....I once again did not trust what I knew.... I asked him nay times to "haunt me" when he passed..LOL I guess those are harsh words but glad we discussed it in life...
Marcy If I could sum up what I am getting from our friendship it would be this ... Every conversation we have is lifting a thin clothe of doubt off of my heart and each day I feel a little "lighter"..
I would like to believe beautiful Alisa and My dad are happy we met... I also believe this is what the show "conversations with Christopher" is about.. Finding(trusting)our own way with Knowledge,Compassion and Love....
30 years ago my dad left town and tried to sleep but everytime he closed his eyes he saw my eyes and had to come home... I wasnt with him yet we were connected.. nothing has changed... it was just a story to tell at the time..Now its a wonderful gift he gave me...
Love to you!!!

Re: expectations of a thoughts again..

Thank you Andrea for such kind words....and I agree-- I really think Alisa and your dad in some way orchistrated our meeting along with God. I have heard that sometimes loved ones do that after they cross over...that they somehow bring people into our lives to help us along our path...because they want us to move foreward.
Just recently I heard someone say "you need ro move on from grief or your energy int right". It wasnt said to me it was said to a friend of mine. I dont totally agree with that! Grieving is a natural process we all go through when we lose someone. Do I want to grieve...NO! But I cant change what it is! I dont know if I will ever stop thinking of my daughter everyday. I dont think I will ever stop missing her. How can you possably love someone for 28 years and get over it in less than a year? I dont think thats possable. I do feel like you and I are moving foreward on our paths. We are learning, and understanding better, and sharing it in the hopes of helping others. I think thats the best I can do for now. And I believe the more we learn and understand the more that weight is lifted from us.
I totally agree with what you said about "conversations with Christopher". He teaches us to help ourselves....Kind of like that saying "if you give a man to fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish--you feed him for life"! I am so very glad His show is a teaching and learning show instead of a show where he does readings. A lot of the shows out there do reading for at least half of the show..and theres nothing wrong with that...but I want to learn!!
It just does my heart glad to see you happier and losing the guilt because from the first time we met I could feel the amazing love you have for your dad. I understand you wanting him to stay around and haunt you...I would have wanted the same thing with Alisa at first too...if I had thought of it!!...but they need to evolve and grow too to be happy and fulfilled so I am glad they arent stuck here!
Sending love to you Andrea!!!<3 marcy