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WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

last night I was looking forward to some quiet time just me,My Ipod and some Conversations with Christopher....I got all snug and warm..
as soon as I started listening to the show I realized it may be a little to much learning for me... maybe I need to just listen to some music and take a breath...
AS SOON AS I thought that!!!!! My ipod went silent.. I saw just the APPLE on the screen as if it was out of battery life (which it wasnt) And the song TRAVELING MAN came on...
That song is special to my father and I...Very significant....
This happened one time before when my daughter was scared and upset about his passing..I put the ipod in her ear and this song somehow played on repeat over and over and over all night.... I was too weak to comfort her at the time... she knew it was from grandpa before I could even tell her...
WITHOUT A DOUBT MY FATHER WAS WITH ME...I fell asleep like I was being watched and protected....

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Andrea: WOW!! What a wonderful story!!! It is amazing to see the way our loved ones come through just to let us know how much they still love us and it seems it is easier for them to manipulate electronics somehow. I am so happy for you. I know you have been wanting a sign from your dad for a while now...and since you have acknowleged his sign I will just bet he sends more!! Sometimes people tend to explain away the signs in disbelief and just refuse to just accept them. To me this is sad because they are missing out on so much. It is a wonderful gift from God who loves us so much -- to let us have these special signs from our loved ones!
"Traveling Man" that the Ricky Nelson song?Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!! Sending you a hug!! <3 marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Marcy, Yea after spending time with my fathers siblings I realized we are all tied together no matter where we are... no difference for me and my dad...
once again I might be crazy BUT I think I needed to see my own way through communication with my dad.. You know I doubted that he was with me..
I went to bed with so much peace in my heart..then that dream I told you about made so much sense to me..I think I might have thought it was a nightmare before....the old lady was CREEPY LOOKING...
Marcy Now I have to wonder if all these people I am coming in contact with in my dreams are actual I can describe them and their situations sometime to a T.. In fact one romanian lady i dreamt about I often wonder what the rest of her story not that I can track her down or anything...
Travelling man is Ricky Nelson.. it took songs like that for my dad and I to be able to take car trips together..MUSIC WAS LOUD yet we were bonding..
I feel bad for not loving my dreams..they have done so much for me...
I am sorry if I go from one issue to the next so quickly I seem to be taken down a different path everyday... UGH maybe I have spiritual ADD...Thank you for sharing your time with me you are helping me move forward...

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Andrea: I understand what you mean about working out your own communication thing with your dad. thats the great thing. People can tell you things, give you advice,, share what they have learned....but it is you that has to walk in and learn from "your" journey. And I think its good that you question everything and have a new question do I...its a constant learning thing. There is so much out there I dont think I will ever stop having questions? Dont you wish God had a message board we could all go to everyday and ask things and get quick replies?
The people in your dreams could be spirits of loved ones from past lives trying to help you? Just a thought.You are so lucky to remember your dreams most of the time....that is something I pray for because I only remember ones that really stand out and are so real its like I was somewhere else...astral projecting.
I love Ricky Nelson music. My daughter Alisa had a crush on his sons when they formed the group "Hanson"...she was madly in love with them LOL!!
Now I understand the song "Garden Party" being your choice of a song if life had background music. I still dont know what mine would be?
<3 marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

i always wondered about this...speaking of signs

The day my ex told me about her infidelity, i left the apartment, i then called her later that day that we should meet up and talk things thru.

We had moved into our apartment for a year. The apartment came with secure carparks which is operated by a remote. I've always wondered what will happen if the door failed to open especially with so many cars coming in and out of the apartment complex. it will be total chaos.

It finally broke down the very moment just as i was about to head back to the apartment to speak to my ex. Straight away i thought to myself that it must be a 'sign' but i thought it must be just a coincidence.

If that was a sign til today i wonder if i haven had gone up that day will the outcome of the relationship have changed if she had like an additional night to think things thru? i don't think so...

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan...I dont think you could have done anything to change the out-come of the still probably would have ended..You answered that one yourself.
The car opener...sounds like a sign or warning to me from you guides. Love to you...marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan, I get signs before a lot of things usually things that I need to take note of...Life changing moments,arguements that are getting ready to happen,Moments I need to stop and take notice,Moment when I am getting ready to gossip or hear gossip... I have a feather drop in front of my face and I immediately take notice of what is going on.... the first couple times I got this sign I was doubtful..then it became consistent...its consistent because I stop and take notice...
My guess for you..Your guide may have wanted you to use your strength or be warned that things are gonna get a little bumpy..
There is nothing anyone could say to me if I am on my way out of a relationship...
Ryan do you feel like you are making progress with healing your heartbreak?

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

I do feel much better (thanks for asking) as compared to august 17th but like I said its HARD WORK trying to get over this heartbreak. It totally annihilated me.

Ultimately, I want to get to a stage where I can say I forgive her whole heartedly. Which is why I research high and low for self help books, audio cd and going to psychics and stuff? (I’ve went thru Pema Chodron audio cds, listerned to John bevere preach etc etc)

What I’ve learnt so far is there is NO SHORTCUTS. Dealing with the 5 stages of loss and grief is a process and hard work. But the sooner you get the ‘acceptance’ the sooner you move on. Everyday is still a up hill battle

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

I love that you are willing to do the work to heal..thats great!!!
I have known lots of people not willing to do that.

Do you listen to music?? Do you Journal?
helpful or harmful? You dont have to answer if its too personal...

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Yeah i love music! anything from enya, to rihanna to lounge and chillout

but currently its just chris's radio show one after another. From the moment i drive to work, at work, drive home from work and also before i sleep

I dont really keep a journal unfortunately but i did find some very interesting videos on forgiveness and its very powerful stuff..

i'll post them later

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

yea cool Would love to see the videos!! I have some forgiving to do too.... Wouldnt hurt to start working on it!!!
LOl I know what you are saying about one show after another...after all my mothering,friend spending time and housetending..I cant seem to turn on the t.v ..just my ipod...and some conversations with Christopher.. :-)

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan: OOOOH!! I love Enya..I dont know many other people who do though!.....Lets face it..your like us --a "Christophers radio show Junkie"!! LOL...His shows are so packed full of enlightening information! I just cant tell you enough how much his teachings helped me out of my pain! It was like I was in the ocean sinking and he threw me a life-line...and I grabbed it and got on the most wonderful Yacht in the world headed for the greatest adventure I could never have imagined....OK im being alittle dramatic but it is the truth!
Would love to see the videos if you post the link. Forgiveness is a really big deal ..because bitterness, anger, resentment and even grief can hold you back from moving on.
Sending love and light to you!!! Marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Since the incident i've racked up more than 5 digits on my expenses. Lesson learnt, shopping does not fill this void or make me any happier

Just when I thought I'm slowly finding my feet again, I realised I'm about to lose my jobs i have at the moment as well. I wonder when will this run of series of unfortunate events end?

There are still so many people that are less fortunate than me. I just have to keep positive and hope and pray for the best i guess

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan...I will surely hold you in my prayers!!!

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

is this a sign

i was lying in bed this morning listerning to chris on my iphone and as i was falling back into sleep, the music stopped (and the only way the music can be stop is if someone calls or msgs or physically pressing the stop button) but there was no contact watsoever.

i was meant to go out with friends but i got lazy and chances are if i stay home, i'll spiral into this emo state. Could it be my guide/angels pushing for me to go out to get some fresh air and company?...

So immediately i asked out loud..."what does this mean?" again one way traffic haaa

since i was woken up already, i decided to go ahead and joined my friends for a afternoon of fun.

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan: going out with your friends is probably exactly what you needed at the time. Friends are so important. They can help lift you up when you have fallen down!Your friends probably know and understand exactly what you are going through and I am sure they want to be there for you! I hope you were able to have a good time and lift out of the pain for a while at least! Sending you a hug! <3 marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

RYAN!!! I love that!!! looks can you imagine how many times we are thrown messages that we dont get!!! sounds like 2 way traffic to me..YOUR LISTENING!! SO cool!!!
I had my ipod go off while i was listening to conversation with Christopher show too, right when i thought to myself I needed some ME time...a song came on that was significant to me..I got the message ...some times are for learning and some time is for doing the work of healing..
Ryan I love that you went out with your friends instead of sleeping.. :-)

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

im Not sure if i'm paranoid or if this is another sign or just run of bad luck.

the in built GPS in my car broke down 2 days ago. "in my mind i was saying CRAP, just add that to the 1947563 things that have gone wrong"

I thought simply by re-starting the car, it might fix the issue but it didnt so for a day or so, the GPS was not functioning at all..

then i received an email from Sherry Dmytrewycz who was a guest on one of Chris's radio show saying that she had done a general cleansing of negative energy on me?

and miraculously the GPS was up and running today woohoo...

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan: What a beautiful story!!!I really think this is a sign for you! Its a sign that your guides and guardian angels are watching over you and that God is sending you what you need, when you need it.I have heard Sherry on Christophers shows and also looked up her websight. I always look up the websights he suggests because he has such a gift for hooking up with wonderful, positive people who we can learn from.. Sherry has such a beautiful spirit! I hope that her cleansing of negative energy helps you because lets face it..feeling negative and having negative thought isnt fun and it happens to all of us. Everyone we speak to or come into contact with eschanges energys with its easy to pick up negative energy without even realizing it! I cleanse and clear myself at least twice a day.
The feeling is truely amazing when those wonderful signs happen that show us there really is something bigger than us out there Isnt it?
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!!! Sending you a hug brother!!! marcy

PS.. I also wanted to mention that what we put out into the universe is what comes back to us...even more the reason to stay positive and not get affected by negative energy!!

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

marcy wilcox
I really think this is a sign for you! Its a sign that your guides and guardian angels are watching over you and that God is sending you what you need, when you need it.I

I was driving when the GPS died - what could that mean tho?? i didnt think it was a sign initially, luckily for me i knew my way around. then the next morning i receive an email from Sherry and after that it worked..hahahah

Now I'm much more aware of my surroundings - its hard to tell sometimes of its really a sign or your guides talking to you as oppose to just your thoughts

right now im listerning to the predictions...=)

big hugs!!!

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Ryan: I dont know what made your GPS unit stop working or what made it start again....could be coinsidence....could be a sign? The sign to me is Sherry coming along and giving you an energy clearing when you seem to have needed it...and I say that because in your last few posts before that, you seemed more down and negative about the situation you found yourself in and you were trying to reach out to learn about you must have been holding on to feelings and resentments you didnt want to have. Sherry coming along to do an energy clearing on me the sign. Does that make sense? Sending you hugs!!!! marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

yeah i do Thanks marcy

Re: WHOA that was a SIGN for sure!

Wow very cool Ryan..I say if it looks like a sign and feels like a sign its a sign....

who knows what the sign is telling you..well you probably know..I think thats how it works..