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Just more thoughts

Just thinking and wondering about life...Most everyone has loved someone deeply..That feeling can be so incredible..It can allow us to see in a completely different way..We become more understanding, more patient, more forgiving.. It is as though a light is shining brightly in our hearts that penetrates to our minds and thoughts..
If we can just remember that feeling when we are dealing with all people in our lives, whether for just a moment or longer..
I'm not sure that we always agree with everything that those we love do or say and there are many times that we react differently with strangers or people that come into our lives than we would would those we hold close to our hearts.. What makes it so hard to allow those that come into our lives that same understanding??
I seem to struggle with understanding this..I will be the first to admit out loud that I am very analytical but I use that in all parts of my life..
Whether I agree with a person or not doesn't seem to matter.. I always sit back and look inside myself to understand the "why" of it all.. My favorite saying is "Step away from the keyboard" but I don't just mean the keyboard, I mean all that comes in life that you question, become emotional about.. If we step away and look inside of ourselves but take the time to try and understand not only why we are emotional but why the other person feels the way that they do it seems so much easier to give them that same understanding that we would that person that we love so dearly..
I have been told time and time again that I need to remove my analytical brain from my spirituality or I will not be able to move forward..
This is me... How could I ever feel so much love and understanding for so many if I couldn't use my analytical side to see clearly..It is how I open my heart to understanding, not always agreeing but understanding without anger.. Allowing everyone in my life to be who they are and love them anyway..
I realize that I am rambling.. I hope all of this makes some sense.. When I say I love you that comes from my heart..I hope that I can always take the time to examine not only my own thoughts but look at everything though love and allow myself to understand you and why you feel the way that you do..

Sending love and blessings to all..<3

Re: Just more thoughts

LOL.. Should have proof read this before sending...sorry!

Re: Just more thoughts

My Dear Friend Cindy:
I love the way you always open yourself up and put yourself out there. It helps us all to get to know you better and always gives us many things to think about!! You are a very caring, sharing, beautiful soul!! And you are more of a help to me than you will ever know my friend!!
I think being analitical is part of our nature as aquarians. I am the same way. I always have to look at everything with microscopic eyes so to speak. I believe we all have different aspects of our personalities that best suit us to help us make our way through life here and its many situations. Your analitical nature is a help to you in understanding others so you can love them more fully. How can that be a bad thing? Especially when your motive is LOVE?
The only time this gets in the way for me is when sometimes I am trying too hard to achive something spiritual....that maybe I dont understand because I am not ready for that understanding yet? Sometimes I hear the words come to me "just slow down, go with the flow and let it happen naturally!" You know how we all tend to want everything yesterday. LOL.
The love how you talk about as when we first fall in love and see everything through rose-colored glasses and why cant we capture that all the time with beautiful. But we are human and not perfect! I think the important thing is that we all strive for that everyday and it sounds like you do.
When I think about loving others, two things come to mind that I learned a long time ago and sometimes forget to do. The first is to love everyone as though it was Christ you were greeting; since we are all one he is a part of everyone. The second is from the bible. That is to be sure to entertain strangers because sometimes we are entertaining Angels unaware. Those two things have always stuck with me for some reason. When I remember them it helps me look at others in a different way. But Im not perfect so I dont always remember to do that!! I wish I did!!
Cindy: you are such a beautiful, giving, loving soul...and I know you have blessed and will continue to bless many peoples lives, as you have mine; and I am so greatful to be able to call you my friend. Thank you so much for your has reminded me of a lot that I need to remember and work on.
Sending so much love and light to you my dear friend!!!! Marcy

Re: Just more thoughts

No need to proofread..its perfect!! LOVE YOU! Marcy

Re: Just more thoughts


I can relate to this..perfect explanation...

You said "The only time this gets in the way for me is when sometimes I am trying too hard to achive something spiritual....that maybe I dont understand because I am not ready for that understanding yet? Sometimes I hear the words come to me "just slow down, go with the flow and let it happen naturally!" You know how we all tend to want everything yesterday. LOL."