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As one who actually has followed the advice, at least to some extent, of our spiritual teacher Christopher...I wanted to share with you a little story about what meditation can do for you in just one situation. Rough, awful day at work, ladies in an office, emotional turmoil, the clutching and clawing, competition, always searching for the hidden meaning behind anything, understand? I put up a very simple photo via email of myself at work years (many) ago to show the difference (really in an attempt to help the morale that is so very awful). Some were pleased, and then of course a few that are the usual dis-courteous people... well suffice it to say that while I mentally was fully aware of what was happening, my feelings were devastated. As you know, no-one is above being hurt unless they shut down. The morale at work has and will be an issue for a while, things are coming, I have seen them in meditation, as Christopher has as well, and we have both seen the same thing. Tonight however, I meditated just to ask for healing and guidance on this issue. I was very clearly send healing, the feeling is un-mistakeable, if you haven't felt it, please try (Christopher can guide you)... in addition, I was given clear messages of what is happening with "their" strategy, being similar to Roman Warriors planning strategy and looking for a battle plan. All that I need to do, is dis-engage, something that fortunately I am extremely good at and have been my entire life... learned it before I'm sure of it. At any rate. This meditation was 40 minutes or so, simple, easy and anyone can do it. I feel so very much at peace and have had messages come through e-mail type messages tonight from others that connect to my situation. In addition to my own issues being helped and a feeling that yes, I can go back there tomorrow, this has already helped at least 3-4 other people by my sharing it. So please... tell me... what does meditation do for you?!

Re: Meditation...

Re: Meditation...

The infamous 'M' word

Unfortunately, I'm a newbie when it comes to meditation. How does one mediatet to get heal/get in tuned?

Are we talking about hindi or buhddism meditation, where we focus alot on breathing and chanting?? sitting there crossed legged with arms resting on each knee

What is the right way of meditation?

Re: Meditation... crack me up...I dont know how the hindus do it!!! The right way of meditation is to sit or lay whichever is the most comfortable for you. Most people just sit.I myself cannot cross my legs because of a back issue..but however you it so you are most comfortable!! You dont need to chant; I dont...but you can if you want to! I always ask my spirit guides and guardian angels to join me..just incase I go anywhere astrally...I want them right by my side!! I ask God to surround me with the pure white light of the holy spirit and the royal purple light of spirituality..and I ask God to cleanse and clear my whole being of any negative or un-needed energy and to recycle it back into the universe into posative energy .and I begin to breath in slowly and deeply through my nose ..hold it in for a few seconds ...then slowly let it out through the mouth. I keep repeating this process until I am good and relaxed. If thoughts come into your busy mind..just pay them no attention..let them come and go! I just keep on with this slow breathing , my eyes closed and after a while I am totally relaxed and I start to see things. I ask my guides questions sometimes. Its just the repetative breathing that puts you in the right zone. It takes me a while to get there usually at least a half hour!
If you dont experience much at first..just keep takes practice. Meditation is the key to help us get closer to our guides and more in touch with our intuition and our gifts. It also can change our attitudes to face the day,,, even when you think nothing is happening changes are happening.
Have you read the "love meditation" I posted a while back..thats a good one. The main thing is to get relaxed and quiet your mind so you can hear if you have any messsages. I hope this helps...but if I didnt explain it clear enough let me know and I will try to help you. So happy to see you here my brother!!! Sending love and light to you! Marcy

Re: Meditation...

when i first tried to meditate, it reminds me EAT PRAY LOVE! Where julia tried meditating for the first time - ill keep trying...chances are if i do this, ill fall asleep...

Re: Meditation...

OK so I have not been able to successfully meditate since I started wondering how to meditate..Before I knew what I was doing it was just me in a quiet place taking a deep breath and pretending to throw all my thoughts away then with my eyes closed I look into the center distance as if I was actually seeing something far off... This is ANDREA style meditation...I have received my best "ideas" like this...
I have not been able to see my guides,angels or loved ones this way...its just how I get a clear thought...Umm I might have been getting messages now that I think about it...
I have just decided to turn off the music...I think its getting in my way....

Re: Meditation...

Ryan....Something tells me that movie is a comedy? I want to see it!! There are many times I fall asleep and thats still ok.....That means you are getting into the right zone! And our guides can do a lot of healing and downloading into us when we do I wouldnt worry about that! You are so funny!! Now I just have to see that movie! LOL...Love and Light to you,,my friend.....marcy

Re: Meditation...

Andrea: I have not seen my guides or angels or loved ones who have passed either...I think that is fairly common when we first begin to meditate. It sounds to me like you are are getting clear thoughts and they are helping you? hugs marcy

Re: Meditation...

want a story??? :-)

Re: Meditation...

Marcy, I just got married this year ..Have been with the same guy for 15 years..he was always willing to get married...I had a hang up... I felt like I was replacing my dad i think.... One day I started to get really nervous and felt like my world was kinda chaotic in my head...Brian got home I said "I HAVE TO GO" I got in my car parked it..took a deep breath closed my eyes and with all my heart wanted to get over how I was feeling.. a song came on while I was closing my eyes it touched me along with probably now that I think about it my guides helping me.... in an instant I knew that I needed to go home tell brian I loved him.. make him a priority and get married...this man has stood by me loved me and never hurt me. I always acted like I could get up and leave.what was I waiting for.. 15 years of hesitation was gone..lifted off of me in a few seconds of clarity in the parking lot of Sears!!
I now believe my father was leaving me and I needed to realize what I had in Brian... The day my Dad died I kept saying over and over "how can he leave me..I feel abandoned" Brian being a man of VERY few words only said " I am here Andrea,Always" I knew I could fall apart and the fact that I finally was comfortable letting Brian know how much I loved him made me trust that I had someone to hold me up, Like a father would..
sorry Might be too wordy..just a story of what I believe was me meditating.Now that I am learning about it I have a block..i think...

Re: Meditation...

Andrea: Wow!! What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it. It just goes to show...meditation doesnt always have to be about taking a long time to quiet your mind and think about can happen in just a few moments. Infact Im sure I have heard Christopher say that to people who dont have a lot of time on their hands. Its just about quieting our minds and finding the place where we can hear the answers that we already have inside of us!
Thank goodness you have a wonderful man that loved you enough to wait that long, Andrea!! A lot of men would have given up...your guy must be the "king of patience"? LOL!!! On the other side of must feel very loved and must have well been woth waiting for !!! Love this story!!! Thanks so much for sharing!! marcy

Re: Meditation...

he is the king of patience..unless its traffic :-)
when i told him I had to go and rushed out of the house he thought I was going to leave not good.. to this day he doesnt know what changed but he is glad..I tried to he just blankly looked at me.. :-) 15 years fearing marriage a few minutes of silence ready to sign the papers..crazy.
I need to focus on what I was doing to get that info...I can meditate it just may need to be my own way...its my goal..
isnt it funny how we all have different goals yet we can help each other grow!

Will you listening to the furry angel show? Live? @ Ryan HI!!!!

Re: Meditation...

I just lid 2 candles, said a prayer and i told my guides and god to please recycle the energy i have over my ex to the universal. its so draining to keep re-playing those thoughts in my mind (sometimes i do think this is worst than cancer)

thanks andrea for sharing your beautiful... story. I'm truly so happy for you and your man. I was gonna ask for permission from my ex's dad for her hand in marriage to. It is funny how things don't work out they way you necessary want them to.

After the incident, I have developed this $ spending problem. Deep down i know this is to make up for this void I'm feeling deep inside. The worst feeling is to come home and have no one to share your day with.

Big hugs to you ladies!

p/s i havent quite have the chance to catch chris LIVE - if i don't I'm sure ill be able to catch it in the archives

Re: Meditation...

Andrea..yeah I will be listening to the show live..I always try to catch the live shows. <3 marcy

Re: Meditation...

Ryan..I understan what you mean about the thoughts being draining and like a cancer. You are doing the right thing by trying to clear it away from you...because if you keep "feeding" will more than likely grow and get worse. I like that you said you light candles..I always light two too. One is for my guardian angels and one is for my spirit guides. If you cant make it to the live show..well you already know the archives are great!!! I love them cuz you can listen over and over if you dont retain all of the information the first time...and I usually dont! LOL!!
Just keep doing what you are doing Ryan...You will get through this!! IM so glad you are here and your posting!!! I will be praying for you! Hugs...marcy

Re: Meditation...

thank you marcy! i wish i could give you guys all a BIG HUG!

Sometime I blame God for being this cruel to me in order to teach me this spiritual and religious lesson.

Re: Meditation...

Ryan you just did give us a hug!!!! Hugs back!!!Marcy

Re: Meditation...

Beautifully said Marcy!

"I understand what you mean about the thoughts being draining and like a cancer. You are doing the right thing by trying to clear it away from you...because if you keep "feeding" will more than likely grow and get worse"


Ryan you have a force behind you with Marcy for sure!!!

Re: Meditation...

Andrea..Ryan has the force behind him with God..his angels... his guides...Christopher... and dont forget YOU, plus many other brothers and sisters..who may not post but are probably praying very hard. You dont give yourself enough credit girl!!! Love, marcy

Re: Meditation...

Ok Your right..But everyone could use a little Marcy on their side too...

Re: Meditation...

Glad Karla started this thread!

Re: Meditation... too!!! marcy