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Sixth Marine Division Web Forum
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I discovered this site while researching information about my father's military service, which was triggered by coincidentally meeting an 81-year-old Marine who had also served in Okinawa during WWII in the 1st Marine Division. Tony showed me his "Marine book" that's a history of the 1st Marine Division in WWII and asked if my father had gotten one for his service in the 6th Division, which he had not.

My search led me to the Sgt. Grit website, which has lots of Marine-oriented links, including the one for the USMC Museum, which thankfully has the 6th Division "Marine book" as Tony calls it available for $54.00. Needless to say, I immediately ordered one for my father and plan to present it to him this Sunday for his 79th birthday present. It's brand new in a celophane pack, and it's a green hardback book about the size of a medium size high school yearbook. Tony's original copy had historic accounts, photographs, and lots of reference information.

My research also led me to discover a wealth of military videotapes compiled from various historic clips from all branches of the service, so I've ordered several tapes that relate to my father's military service with the 6th Division in Okinawa.

I've written to my father about your site, so perhaps he will be in touch with you later.

Here are the contact websites mentioned above:

1. Sgt. Grit:
Popular website amongst Marines for Marine-related merchandise with lots of "links" listed on their website. Just click on:

Note: When you get to the Sgt. Grit website, look in the right hand margin for "MARINE LINKS" and click on it.....or just click on this for the same results:

2. U.S. Marine Corps Museum:
New 2005 museum with lots of "official" USMC merchandise and information available.

3. Military Video:
Commercial business that sells videotapes made from various film clips throughout military history in all branches of the service, some of which are official military films and some are from other sources. Just click on:

I sincerely hope that these websites and the various "links" found on each site will lead you to information that is helpful.

John Wheatley

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Replying to:

I receive many requests for our 6th Div. History book. In the event anyone has one and would like to send to me please let me know.