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Sixth Marine Division Web Forum
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My name is John J. Wise and I am presently serving as acting editor of the association newsletter. The purpose for this posting is to inform members and others that the newsletter will soon be printed and mailed, and at this point, should be sent to members sometime in December. That projected date is based on no further unforeseen delays. Also, I welcome questions and comments from any Marines or their families.


The latest copy of the Striking Sixth newsletter is being printed and should reach about 1,400 Sixth Marine Division Association members in February, two months later than previously expected. Please direct questions and comments regarding the newsletter to the editor.


Editor Sixth Newsletter,
Have not received a news letter in more than a year
what do I have to do to get back on the mailing list
I sure do miss all the good info in those letters,
please help me get back in the loop. I plan on going to Guam
in July for the 60th anniversery of the landing will
probably be the last one i will be able to make.
thanks for your help and Semper Fi.
John Hylan
1723 Hanley Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93065


This is a hard message to send to you MY DAD. How can you forget about me and my 4 upstanding and respectful
sons. I'm sure you do not know their names so, let me re aquaint you with your GRANDSONS, Jason is 26, Evan is 19, Antonio is 14, and Taylor is 9 they do not know you but they have heard about you from me. How can you STOP! loving your CHILD? I did not ask to be born and I did not pick my parents. My sister Dixie says you love me in your own way.DAD explain to me what happened????????????????? ARE you not my father? I know a lot of young marines and their families and this is not the norm. TALK to me....My son Antonio wants to be a young marine and untill I hear from you I do not think it is a wise idea to let him join. Do you have mind? do you not think of your children? I think of my son's every day, They are my LIFE and not knowing about my family is strange to them. They have seen me cry over you and say " Mom it's ok we are here". But thats not right. Dad you know it's not right.Dad I am 44 years old and have no relationship with you. DO you not find that strange? I do. I have always loved you. What have I ever done in my life to make you not want to be my FATHER? What have I ever done to you? I was born on Feb.06 1960 at 5:58 am at Hawthorne hospital, so give me a clue??????????
DAD be real I know yoy are old and you don't have alot of years left. So why are you depriving me my comfort of being with you? And your Grandsons knowing you? you are being unfair to us. They are your blood.
How can you turn your BACK on that? SEMPA FI I think not. Most men would love to know their children. The Welch kids were NEVER in the Marins. my son wants to join.can you give him advice? Hell you are his grandfather<<<< Give us a clue what have we done to you?????????????? To make you hate us?????????

Tell us please we have always had the same address and phone number

call us 661-256-0420 or 661-917-4771 or or 661-917-0543

2651 Summerchase ave.
Rosamond CA 93560

Dad don't wait untill it's to late............... I LOVE YOU AND need to have some kind of relationship with you. This is not normal.people have parents.I say I had me here, my kids deserve better than I have told them. I don't like to lie and my life can't be a unknown thing. I was born to a mother and father ( I did not get to pick my parents)
BUT you are my son's GRANDFATHER dont denie my son's your BLOOD grandsons their history.

I have done alot in my life and I feel you have missed out on a BIG part of it . And my boy's have suffered for it. SEMPRA FI if you are true call us