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Jimmie North needs some help guys

Some of you remember Jimmie and I have tagged a bunch of you on facebook. Here is the message i posted;

To all my online racing friend out there, a long time online friend of mine, Jimmy North, has hit some troubled times. He is in need of $200 bucks, if you must need to know why, ask me privately. But like I was saying, he needs a little help. I am donating $20 bucks to help him, if I can get 9 other to help and send him $20 as well that would be awesome. Here is is paypal account; Jdnorth48@comcast.net, even if you only got $5, he would appreciate it, and so would I. Please post if you can help.

Please help if you can.

Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys

To those of you who helped out, thank you.

Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys


Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys


Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys

KC >>>
To answer your inquiry "???":
Mr. Sharpinator was saying "F-u-c-k-Y-o-u-K-C".

Hope this helps

Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys

Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys

and a special note to Fubar

Re: Jimmie North needs some help guys

Its all about love
