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Re: Minson

I never once said that "you all suck"... in fact there are quite a few who race here that are stellar competition. As far as "being too perfect"... I guess I'll take that as a compliment. I have been racing for 18 years now with over 170 A-main victories, as well as state and national championships in real life racing. I simply race on the PC for fun when my schedule allows. I may be younger than most here, but I wasn't born yesterday. Regarding the outcome of the race tonight, I simply don't appreciate being intentionally ran into is all. It's not the first time it's happened to me, and most likely won't be the last. Anyone and everyone in the race tonight could clearly see what happened, and if you weren't there, I'll be happy to share replays with the accompanying data acquisition obtained from NR2003 Replay Analyzer which clearly indicates that I was blatantly turned into, if such a replay is requested.

With that being said, I hope to see (most of) you all on track again very soon! Good win Mr. Beard, that was well earned!

Hope to see