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Training Like A Professional

I wonder if any one can help. My season has just finished and it was ok. I want to improve but I don't know how to go about training like a professional!!
I work in the health and fitness industry, so am fortunate enough to be able to have both a gym and squash courts on site where I work!!!
Can anyone (even squash pro's that use this site!!) give me a training diary for the next 3 months so I'm ready to roll for the start of the season (usually end of Sept)!! All help gratefully recevied

Re: Training Like A Professional

ghosting, suicide sprints, 400m sprints, plyometrics..

Re: Training Like A Professional

Do you have a training partner? that's fairly important if you want to improve squash as well as fitness.

Re: Re: Training Like A Professional

Not a regular one, but I can probably see if they are looking to do the same!!

Re: Training Like A Professional

there has been much discussion about what matters most, and racquet skills seem to be the most important criteria for playing good squash. unfortunately you cant develop these skills overnight, more like years. take some lessons from a pro to learn the proper swing and then practice with solo drills and matches a few times a week. then wait a few years and hopefully you will improve !

Re: Training Like A Professional

thats rubbish, you can improve a HELL of a lot over 3 months if you practise everyday... Squash is one of those games where not particularly talented people can do well.

i would suggest trying to do a morning of routines - 2-3 hours, (obviously making them worthwile ones).

have a break then either play a couple of matches or work on fitness - 40 mins on the bike, ghosting (with a partner), weights. since you work in the fitness industry you probably know how and what can push you.

Vary this to stop boredom! 4-5 hours maximum a day, although nicol used to do 6.

Re: Re: Training Like A Professional

and the pakistani juniors does 7 hrs/day

Re: Re: Re: Training Like A Professional

More often its not how much you but what you do. Unless you are aiming to become a pro, i'd say 2 hours is good enough but make good use of the time. I see some players hang around as average A/B players for their entire lives and others just go through the roof. The key is being creative on the court. You have got to practice your whole array of shots and then try them in game situations even when they don't come off. Soon those percentage shots will become better and better and you'll start beating guys who you were competitive just last year with on a fairly regular basis because of your improved racquet skills.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Training Like A Professional

2-3 hours you've got to be kidding me. Get a few lessons and then practice what you've been taught for around 45 mins 3 or 4 times a week and then just arrange to play loads of practice matches. You want to make sure you're enjoying it and if you are doing drills for 3 hours a day you'll give the game up in a week. Work on good technique and this is the best way for you to improve, you'll start hitting the ball better and enjoying your squash more and more. To learn technique you have to take lessons.

Re: Training Like A Professional

i agree with scott. unless you are super-motivated and have very fast recovery time, playing too much will hurt your game more than help it.

Re: Re: Training Like A Professional

Lots of brilliant advice!! I used to be coached as a junior, so I have got in touch with my old coach and I'm going to have 2 sessions a week with him. Thnaks for all your help!! I'm looking at training twice a day amd we'll see what happens!!

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